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BSOD when Ejecting CDs

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  • MajorPaver

    • Jun 2011
    • 3

    BSOD when Ejecting CDs

    I've enjoyed dBPoweramp so much, I upgraded to a family license of R14.1 so that I could use my laptop to rip while on the go or in the living room. Unfortunately, all is not well on the laptop. When using the eject button built into CD Ripper or having CD Ripper auto eject, it will usually result in a BSOD. I haven't seen a BSOD in 3 years on either Vista or 7 so this is quite a surprise.

    I'm running Windows 7 64bit on my desktop and laptop. The desktop behaves fine and doesn't seem to have any issues. The BSOD refers to a mismatched drivers.

    Right-click ejecting in my computer does not cause any issues, only when ejecting from within CD Ripper.

    Any ideas would be most appreciated as I really would like to not have to monitor completion.
  • dbfan
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Jan 2011
    • 937

    Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

    What cd drive do you have? What is the laptop?


    • mgm056

      • May 2011
      • 6

      Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

      Sounds exactly the same problem I have and just posted. Was working fine up until a week ago.


      • MajorPaver

        • Jun 2011
        • 3

        Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

        The laptop is a Lenovo Edge 420s with a Hitachi/LG HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GS30N.

        It's really odd to me that the software eject via explorer works fine but the eject through CD Ripper causes the blue screen.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44847

          Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

          Anyone with the same issue, please post the details of your system, also list any potential interfering software (security software, programs such as AnyDVD, any CD drive image utility)


          • gijoewoz

            • May 2011
            • 19

            Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

            I was having the same issue and started a thread in another section.

            This is my first post here, I've searched the following key phrases without getting any helpful results "Eject", "Eject issue", "Eject Problem" I have been using the CD Ripper for about a week without any issues until last night. I finally received confirmation that Accuraterip is configured,

            The computer I was using was a brand new Toshiba Portege, I can get the specs but I actually traded it in for a Sony Vaio because I got fed up and decided that my new computer must have a problem. So far the Vaio is running fine, but it's only been 2 days. I had posted the dump files on a couple of different websites to try and get help, I couldn't read them myself, but if they will help isolate the problem I can post the links to the threads that I started in the other forums.

            Also, I took a lot of my conversation to PM with Spoon because I didn't want to bring unnecessary negative attention to his product if my computer was the issue. He was very kind and helpful even though I haven't even bought the paid version yet. For anyone who is researching this product, don't let a few bugs scare you away. The product is awesome and the service has been excellent as well.
            Last edited by gijoewoz; June 10, 2011, 03:54 PM.


            • MajorPaver

              • Jun 2011
              • 3

              Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

              Nothing really out of the ordinary running on my machine. MS Security Essentials for AV. I do have dropbox installed. All windows updates are current.


              • gijoewoz

                • May 2011
                • 19

                Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

                These links have the dump files that my computer created from the crashes. These may be helpful to someone.

                The program worked perfectly for a few days, but after the problem started even a "clean install" was not able to fix it. Perhaps something is infecting our computers on a deeper level than the OS?


                • Sardonyx

                  • Jun 2011
                  • 10

                  Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

                  I have the same problem.

                  Model HP dv7t
                  CPU i7-2630
                  Win 7 64bit, SP1 and all current updates
                  Drive: hp dvdbd TS-LB23L blu-ray
                  dbpa version 14.1 & 14.2beta

                  Ripper was working earlier (Several disc ripped on 5/9/2011), on 6/20/2011 I got a BSOD launching CDRipper. I assumed something got broken/corrupted so did a full uninstall and reinstall of dbpa. During configuration I get BSOD if checking "Prevent autorun on all drives". I came here and discovered the eject issue others are having, (my usual habit is to use the button on the drive). I tried the eject icon & got a BSOD.

                  I think Windows (perhaps a recent security update) is saying "It's my drive and if you touch it I'll throw a tantrum!" :cry:


                  • gijoewoz

                    • May 2011
                    • 19

                    Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

                    This is a really strange issue. Since switching from a Toshiba to a Vaio I have not had a single problem. Both systems were running windows 7 64 bit, both were running Kaspersky anti-virus and to the best of my knowledge both systems were set up the same way with regard to UAC and other settings.


                    • Sardonyx

                      • Jun 2011
                      • 10

                      Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

                      I just reinstalled Windows, (not SP1) installed R14.1 and now the eject icon works. I'll try to keep track of Windows Updates to see if any of them break the eject function.


                      • Sardonyx

                        • Jun 2011
                        • 10

                        Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

                        Installed the following updates:

                        Windows SP1
                        IE 9
                        .NET Framework Security updates


                        Used HP Support Assistant to install updates:
                        REALTEK PCIE CARD READER DRIVER
                        BX-1 FINGERPRINT READER DRIVER
                        HP ONSCREEN DISPLAY


                        Updated INTEL RAPID STORAGE TECHNOLOGY DRIVER and now CDRipper locks up from the eject icon. No BSOD, the computer is useable otherwise.

                        I'll try more troubleshooting tomorrow.

                        Does anyone know if Hewitt-Packard makes their own drives or are they rebadged from another drive manufacturer?


                        • gijoewoz

                          • May 2011
                          • 19

                          Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

                          I tried EVERYTHING and the problem wouldn't go away. Once the problem struck my computer it was doomed. I even did a clean install of windows and the problem persisted, but after the clean install I didn't even have a couple of days with it working properly. At the time I was told that dbpoweramp could not be the cause, so I took my computer back to Best Buy TWICE to have it fixed. Then I complained so much that they replaced my Toshiba with a Vaio, only to find out when I got home that dbpoweramp was in fact the cause of the problem and that my Toshiba was perfectly fine. After all of that there is no way I can go back and swap the Vaio back for the Toshiba that I wanted in the first place.

                          The strange thing is that the Vaio has not had a single issue. I really hope this problem can be looked at.

                          Another thing I remembered is that once my Toshiba starting having trouble with the Eject button, it also starting doing things differently with regard to deleting files. I would delete a file and the message that would pop up would stretch FAR below the bottom of the screen so that I could not click the "Delete" box. I had to hit "enter" and assume the the "delete" box was highlighted by default. After a while of this, the box no longer appeared at all, instead when I would right click and delete a file it would hang for a moment then eventually bring up a standard Windows delete box asking if I really wanted to delete the file. I don't know if the issues are related, but with the Vaio the dbpoweramp message pops up perfectly every time I delete a file.

                          Just trying to provide as much info as possible to help towards a solution, I don't know is pertinent and what isn't.
                          Last edited by gijoewoz; June 24, 2011, 10:49 PM.


                          • Sardonyx

                            • Jun 2011
                            • 10

                            Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

                            The problem is Intel RST 10.1.1008 and SATA optical drive. Rolling back to the previous version, 9.6.1014, eliminates BSOD. This computer has a SATA optical drive, on my older laptop with 32bit Win XP, IDE optical and SATA hdd, there is no conflict with RST 10.1. Also there is no conflict when using a Plextor USB drive.

                            My conclusion (of course I only have 2 computers to test) is the BSOD occurs with the following combination:

                            Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver ver 10.1.1008
                            SATA optical drive
                            communication method:SCSI passthrough

                            actions causing BSOD:
                            Option checked Prevent auto-run on all CD drives
                            Option checked eject after rip
                            click Eject icon

                            If I'm correct, there will be many more people having problems, as new computers come out with SATA, instead of IDE, optical drives.

                            gijoewoz, you said you reinstalled Windows, was that from a Microsoft disc or a "recovery disc" supplied by Toshiba? I believe Windows has an ACHI driver, but a recovery disc with all the drivers specific to that machine, might have Intel RST.


                            • gijoewoz

                              • May 2011
                              • 19

                              Re: BSOD when Ejecting CDs

                              That's a good question on the reinstall. I got a service package from Best Buy with my computer, so I dropped it off with them. My computer didn't come with a recovery disc from Toshiba, so I assume Best Buy used a Windows disc.

