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Multi Encoder meta data

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  • rbsound

    • May 2011
    • 29

    Multi Encoder meta data

    Beyond the track number question I asked in another thread, there are a number of available meta data fields that are left blank in only one of the two formats I multi encode to (FLAC, 320 bit MP3 (LAME)). They are (not sure if this is an exhaustive list):

    1. Label: mp3 lists it, flac does not
    2. Grouping: mp3 lists it, flac does not
    3. Encoded by: mp3 lists it, flac does not
    4. Year: flac lists year/date, mp3 lists only year

    FLAC format does allow for these fields and they can be edited after the fact (I use Tag & Rename). When I use Multi Encoder I am creating what I expect to be a mirrored library in the two formats I'm encoding to, so I'm surprised that the meta data is not identical even though the two formats allow for the same fields.

    Last edited by rbsound; May 28, 2011, 02:42 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Multi Encoder meta data

    mp3 does not allow the date after the year, hence why it is stripped.

    On one of the flac files, right click >> Edit ID Tags

    to see if the tags are infact missing, or mapped to a different value.


    • rbsound

      • May 2011
      • 29

      Re: Multi Encoder meta data

      Upon further checking, I have discovered that for points 1-3 (missing FLAC meta data), it turns out that in the file properties the meta data was in fact there but it was not displaying in Tag & Rename (latest version 3.5.7). Strange, I have put in a question to the T&R folks. I can add this information in T&R ("Encoded By" for example), but it then adds an additional field in the FLAC file's properties ("ENCODEDBY" is this case).

      Regarding point 4, I'm not clear on what you mean by "mp3 does not allow the date after the year" because I am able to edit the year field (using T&R) to include the year/date and it does then appear in the file properties just as it does for the FLAC file. So while dbpoweramp does not insert the year/date for the mp3 file, the file format does seem to allow it since it can be edited after the rip.

      Separately, on one of PC's (running Win7), the file properties do not have the level of detail available in the property tabs (missing "audio properties", "id tags"). How do I change the file or folder setting to display these details in the file properties? Thanks.
      Last edited by rbsound; May 29, 2011, 11:34 AM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: Multi Encoder meta data

        In dBpoweramp Configuraion >> Codecs >> Advanced

        there is an option in there to allow the date for mp3, but it is against the standard (regardless if T&R allow it).


        • rbsound

          • May 2011
          • 29

          Re: Multi Encoder meta data

          1. Thanks Spoon, good education about the standards, although I guess there's no harm in deviating from these standards since major record labels have taken liberties, but I understand your point (similar point to my other thread on track field). Am I correct that there is no problem with deviating from the standards you note as in the examples I've cited and as Apple records has?

          2. Other than just general infomation, any benefit of having track total included in the track number?

          3. So the details in the property tags are there only on the PC where dbpoweramp is installed; so is that part of the dbp software (not windows?)?

          Thanks again for a great product.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44845

            Re: Multi Encoder meta data

            1. You should encounter no issues
            2. I cannot think off the top of my head what actually uses track total
            3. Yes dbpoweramp provides these


            • mville
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Dec 2008
              • 4023

              Re: Multi Encoder meta data

              Originally posted by rbsound
              Upon further checking,... it turns out that in the file properties the meta data was in fact there but it was not displaying in Tag & Rename (latest version 3.5.7).
              The whole issue around flac/mp3 tagging is a real mess in my opinion. The major players in tagging software are not consistent in what there apps present to the user.

              I believe Spoon and dBpoweramp do there very best in adhering to any standards, but if the tagging apps are doing there own thing, this can often confuse the end user. These issues keep cropping up time and again.

              The moral here? Do not always trust your tagging app as the defacto standard when it comes to flac/mp3 tagging.

