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Album Art in WMP after Ripping

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  • cybersailor

    • Apr 2011
    • 6

    Album Art in WMP after Ripping

    I have spend the last 10 days re-ripping my CDs to FLAC. The problem I am having is when I add the folder with the music to WMP. The album art does not display. I am using "WMP Tag Plus" plug-in. All the metadata is loaded correctly. I have tried removing the folder from the libray and adding it back. The reason I am using WMP is I am using Media Center to control my TV and other media files. WMP and Meda Center share the same metadata.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Album Art in WMP after Ripping

    There is folder.jpg in the folder? if yes it sounds like a bug with WMP Tag Plus.


    • cybersailor

      • Apr 2011
      • 6

      Re: Album Art in WMP after Ripping

      Yes, there are also three other files that have "AlbumArt" as beginning of the name. I had to uncheck "hide protected operating systems files" to see hidden files.

      Are there other WMP plug-ins beside WMP Tag Plus for use with FLAC files?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: Album Art in WMP after Ripping

        None that I am aware of.


        • cybersailor

          • Apr 2011
          • 6

          Re: Album Art in WMP after Ripping

          Any suggestions on where to begin to start debugging? I know if I select Find Album Info in WMP it will update the database. This would talk a lot of time to do all the re-ripped CDs.



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44845

            Re: Album Art in WMP after Ripping

            If there is a bug in WMP Tag Plus, we cannot fix it as it is not our code.


            • Wayno

              • May 2011
              • 1

              Re: Album Art in WMP after Ripping

              I'm using WMPTagSupport11.exe in Win7 x64, and it works mostly fine. I have found that WMP likes to ignore the "Album Artist" and instead use the "Artist" field for sorting. Because of this is I have multiple listings for the same album, so I have to manually change the Artist field to the name of the album artist to get rid of the duplicates. It's pretty easy with the dbpoweramp tag editor though.

              After I make changes I run the "Update whole library from tags files" in the properties of WMPTagSupport11 to update WMP.

              I hope this helps.


              • Tim De Baets

                • Oct 2010
                • 3

                Re: Album Art in WMP after Ripping

                Originally posted by cybersailor
                The problem I am having is when I add the folder with the music to WMP. The album art does not display. I am using "WMP Tag Plus" plug-in. All the metadata is loaded correctly. I have tried removing the folder from the libray and adding it back.
                Hi, I'm the author of WMP Tag Plus. My plug-in currently doesn't support album art yet, but the next major release will have album art support.

