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Re-ripping same disc exposes inconsistencies

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  • Vertigo

    • May 2011
    • 12

    Re-ripping same disc exposes inconsistencies

    Before purchasing dBpoweramp I would like to confirm it is as good as it's claimed to be. However I have uncovered a problem that seems to be reproducible on my system.

    I started by ripping a brand new CD to Flac three consecutive times and then used a file integrity program to check the MD5 digest of each rip was identical. One track on the first rip did not match that of the consecutive two rips. However all three rips were verified as an AccurateRip by dBpoweramp.

    Since then I have had the same problem occur with several older and well used discs. Each consecutive rip is approved as AccurateRip but each time a different track or tracks does not match the MD5 digest I have previously generated.

    Any help would be appreciated
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Re-ripping same disc exposes inconsistencies

    Install [calculate audio crc]:

    Then compare the CRCs of the audiodata, rather than the whole file, as headers / tags can change whilst the audio data is the same.

    Also if the track in question was the first or last track, there is a 5 sector (about 10KB) hole that AccurateRip cannot verify, this is because different drives have different offsets.


    • Vertigo

      • May 2011
      • 12

      Re: Re-ripping same disc exposes inconsistencies

      Hi Spoon I have recently realised you are the developer of this project. Thanks for all the support and great piece of software.

      I found the utility codec you have suggested and it works like a charm. I didn't realise the headers / tags would have caused such issues.

      The 5 sector (about 10KB) hole at the first or last track sounds concerning. Does that affect the audio data or is it just another thing that will affect the fingerprint of the whole file?

      Great software, once the trial ends I will have a look at getting either the Power Pack or Reference. Do 'Free minor version upgrades' correspond to minor incremental changes or do they cover whole new version numbers?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Re-ripping same disc exposes inconsistencies

        It effects the audio data, in reality the whole is very small (10KB of 600MB)

        >Do 'Free minor version upgrades' correspond to minor incremental changes or do they cover whole new version numbers?

        Included would be R14.2, R14.3... not included would be R15

