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ripping results described

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  • Oystein

    • Apr 2011
    • 2

    ripping results described

    I have searched this forum but maybe I overlooked the answer so I ask it here.

    I am using dbPoweramp CD ripper for a week now and have come accross some issues from what I can not find the solution here.

    I there a comprehensice overview of all ripping results ( accurate; inaccurate, not in database, secure, insecure etc ... ) ???

    I ripped an album and the first 5 tracks were a secure rip (10) so 10 others have had the same result.
    Then the other tracks were all inaccurate (200). What does this 200 mean ??
    Are there 200 other people with the same "error" or are there 200 other people with 200 errors in general ??
    If it is the same error .... could the 10 people which had accurate results for track 6-15 be wrong if 200 other people with the same "errors" be the correct ones ?? Based on statistics ...

    It would really help understanding these results (and all the other possible results as mentioned in the first line)

    Who has the answer ?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: ripping results described


    In your example the 200 means nothing (as it is a value from another pressing), when there is a miss-match then the results from any of the other pressings can be used. What is significant is these tracks did not match the confidence 10 of the other rips, so they have errors.


    • Oystein

      • Apr 2011
      • 2

      Re: ripping results described

      Thanks for the reply.

      This was the information I was looking for .. probably overlooked ..


      • Gbeer7
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Mar 2011
        • 165

        Re: ripping results described

        So what does it mean if you get an accuraterip of a track of 2 then a few tracks later get an accuraterip of 60 on the same disc ?

