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AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

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  • jseibert

    • Mar 2011
    • 3

    AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

    Hi ... I've been using CD Ripper for a couple of years with no problems ... until this week. (No OS changes or anything like that).

    Lately when I run the program it will say at the bottom of the successfully retrieved meta data "CD in AccurateRip" at the bottom of the tracklist. OK...Good to go...I click "Rip" and it goes thru the ripping.

    I see it progressing, and when it's done it says "Not in AccurateRip" in the rip status column. This is the problem. Before, I remember a checksum I think.

    I have ripped these CD's before and the explorer popup even shows an AccurateRipResult Tag.

    I did renew my AMG yearly metadata this week. And today I upgraded to 13.5 of CD ripper. The AccurateRip still isn't working.

    I've looked thru all the threads on the AccurateRip forum and this prob isn't showing up.

    Any idea of what's wrong? Thank-You.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

    If there is no match then it is likely another pressing exists in the database, R14 can check against these other pressings, R13 cannot.


    • jseibert

      • Mar 2011
      • 3

      Re: AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

      I am checking this with a CD that I have and have previously ripped.
      I thought this would be a good doublecheck.

      The explorer popups show a successful Accurate Rip ID3 Tag on the rip from a year age. I haven't touched the CD since.

      When I originally ripped my CDs, 98% were in the database, tracks and all.

      I just doublechecked .... The AccurateRipDiscID is the same in both cases.

      The AccurateRipResult on the first is:
      AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 75) [71BA93D2]
      and today it is:
      AccurateRip: Not in database [00000000]

      I am ripping to .wav only.

      What is causing this? This is the reason I purchased dbPoweramp.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

        Are you ripping with secure mode? if so enable the concise log and post the whole log please.


        • jseibert

          • Mar 2011
          • 3

          Re: AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

          Hi Spoon...
          Yep, that fixed it. They are 'Accurate' now.
          Somehow that got hit by a cosmic ray and toggled over to 'Defective by Design'
          Is it possible for a really scratched CD (many retries) to toggle this?
          Thanks very much for your help with this!


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44845

            Re: AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

            It should be a manual setting.


            • m4rk

              • Feb 2010
              • 16

              Re: AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

              I am getting inconsistent accurate rip results. I ripped a disk and it was in the database and all was ripped and verified accurate. Then a few minutes later I decided to make another rip and it now says its not in the database at all. Is there a way to flush the cache and make it look again. I suspect its not really checking the second time for some reason.

              Thanks, Mark


              • m4rk

                • Feb 2010
                • 16

                Re: AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

                Originally posted by jseibert
                Hi Spoon...
                Yep, that fixed it. They are 'Accurate' now.
                Somehow that got hit by a cosmic ray and toggled over to 'Defective by Design'
                Is it possible for a really scratched CD (many retries) to toggle this?
                Thanks very much for your help with this!

                Just checked that and for me too the mode had changed to toggle by design somehow but on changing it back it still says its not in accurrate rip. :( I am running two instances of DBpower amp, one for each optical drive. Could that be causing some confusion for DBpoweramp?


                • m4rk

                  • Feb 2010
                  • 16

                  Re: AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

                  OK, I did a little more on this and unticked the DBpoweramp cache option under meta data options. Now on ripping it confrims accurate rip against the database once more. Is there a way to flush the cache? I have also notcied that if I ignore the previous 'not in accuraterip' which shows under rip status when the CD is first placed in the tray and start a rip anyway it then it as accurate when done. I am little confused now about exactly what happened and why it didn't work for me for a while on the same CD's. Some confusion with the cache??
                  Last edited by m4rk; March 31, 2011, 06:27 AM.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44845

                    Re: AccurateRip Works-Doesn't Work

                    AccurateRip and the local metadata cache are not related.

