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Any Help On Naming etc

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  • imcal

    • Mar 2011
    • 17

    Any Help On Naming etc

    First of all i must explain i have a eye condition i am blind in 1 eye and partially sighted in the other and have limited time in front of a pc monitor etc.

    I purchased the latest edition of dbpoweramp - never used it before but having tested it out yesterday and tested out eac i decided this was for me.

    Now with having eye issues i tend to listen to music so over the years i have built up a cd collection of 24,000+ and i want to rip them to hard drive in flac format.

    I was hoping to have a naming scheme like this...

    All Artists beginning with A in a folder called A then the Artist then the cd name


    A/A-Ha/Scoundrel Days

    Then Artist track Title

    A-Ha - 1 - Scoundrel Days (Album Version)

    I think ive sussed that bit out

    but when i come to ripp a compilations

    i want them to be placed in a folder call compilations

    then the cd name if it`s Cd 1 or Cd 2 etc Now 11 Cd 1

    Artist - Track - Title

    The way i set it up worked at first with the 1 artist per cd but when it came to compilation cds i would get upto 20 different folders 1 for each artist etc so any help appreciated.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Any Help On Naming etc

    Instead of [artist] try [album artist], but this can be blank for compilations so use:

    [IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[IFCOMP]Various Artists[][IF!COMP][artist][][]

    Which will use album artist if there, if not will use Various Artists for a compilation, or for non-compilation just artist.

