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One track is 0/0 No match - is this inaccurate or just not found?

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  • fartlekrun

    • Dec 2010
    • 12

    One track is 0/0 No match - is this inaccurate or just not found?


    I'd like to better understand .accurip results. Her's an .accurip report that has all tracks match 2/2 except one which is 0/0 No match.

    My understanding is that the denominator indicates the number of identified tracks in the database that are the same, is that right?

    The numerator indicates the number of the same tracks in the database that accurately match this rip, is that right?

    So, this track that is 0/0 indicates that there are no entries in the database for this particular track? In which case, this is not an inaccurate rip, just a pressing that isn't in the database?


    [CUETools log; Date: 15/02/2011 9:06:55 AM; Version: 2.0.9]
    [CTDB TOCID: A6uHo.xQtCo3EMKjurmPnJ6131I-] disk not present in database.
    [AccurateRip ID: 000fd265-007f2d0b-7a09f40a] found.
    Track   [ CRC    ] Status
     01     [5dd78c1e] (2/2) Accurately ripped
     02     [8eb02a16] (2/2) Accurately ripped
     03     [04a7ed94] (2/2) Accurately ripped
     04     [ce3f98ec] (2/2) Accurately ripped
     05     [ded05d31] (2/2) Accurately ripped
     06     [7d8ff1af] (0/0) No match
     07     [86a757ff] (2/2) Accurately ripped
     08     [e9948f98] (2/2) Accurately ripped
     09     [c6ca76dc] (2/2) Accurately ripped
     10     [09934363] (2/2) Accurately ripped
    Track Peak [ CRC32  ] [W/O NULL] [  LOG   ]
     --  100.0 [FF9C98E0] [3BEED27A]
     01  100.0 [3BF92636] [5F642919]   CRC32
     02   85.0 [CF610291] [5F460283]   CRC32
     03   86.3 [936BAF77] [22380541]   CRC32
     04   77.6 [C8D833A7] [A86AE733]   CRC32
     05   98.7 [085EFF87] [91B9E307]   CRC32
     06   94.9 [C8E87788] [0AD656DA]   CRC32
     07   83.1 [BBCFF43D] [026BD635]   CRC32
     08   93.9 [E83544F2] [65E70B00]   CRC32
     09   82.8 [27D1E868] [9D02E384]   CRC32
     10   86.8 [4D401773] [B423E0A3]   CRC32
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: One track is 0/0 No match - is this inaccurate or just not found?

    It is likely that one of the 2 people had the correct rip for that track, the other did not - until the results are verified by a 3rd party the result will not be in the database.


    • fartlekrun

      • Dec 2010
      • 12

      Re: One track is 0/0 No match - is this inaccurate or just not found?

      So for the time being, should this result be considered as "unknown"? In other words, there's not sufficient data to know whether it is accurate or not?

      It's confusing beause the one-line summary given by CueTools says:
      rip not accurate (0/2)

      The CueTools summary tells us it is not accurate. But looking at the full .accurip report and your explanation would lead me to think that it's an unknown until there are more data to compare.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: One track is 0/0 No match - is this inaccurate or just not found?

        An unknown yes.

        >rip not accurate (0/2)

        Cuetools says rip not accurate (0/0) the right of / is the number of records in the database.


        • fartlekrun

          • Dec 2010
          • 12

          Re: One track is 0/0 No match - is this inaccurate or just not found?

          I've seen other situations where the one line summary in CueTools has a very different meaning than what we conclude when examining the full .accurip report. It really shows that we cannot rely on the one line summary in CueTools, as it is often wrong or misleading.

          In this case, just reading the CueTools summary tells us the rip is inaccurate, but clearly it is not inaccurate - just unknown.

          It's a good lesson: don't rely on the CueTools summary, as it may be wrong. Read the full .accurip report for the real story.

