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CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

    The submission is a manual process, you have to click ok.


    • sithodea

      • Apr 2011
      • 8

      Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

      Hello everybody,

      Come out if the TEAC BD-C24SS-A93 ( is compatible with :
      C2 pointers ?
      drive offset removal ?
      audio cache defeating ?
      HTOA ?
      Autoframes ? (very importante for me)

      In advance thank you.


      • Pianonut

        • Apr 2009
        • 9

        Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011


        I read elsewhere in these forums that the Teac CD-224SL (and E?) is the 'recommended' drive and I believe used to be supplied with RipNAS Essentials.

        Consequently one would assume that there would be the more than 40 users required to enable this drive to be included in the stats.

        Does this mean that in terms of accuracy the CD-224SL drive performs worse than the drives listed above?

        I need to know as I was just about to buy one!



        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

          No conspiracy RipNAS (essentials or otherwise) never submit the AccurateRip results, as submission is an interactive process.


          • Pianonut

            • Apr 2009
            • 9

            Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

            So...the TEAC would still be a good thing to buy?? (i.e. still advocated if not 'recommended'?).

            By the by, are the internals of the E version the same as the SL - ie the only difference between the two is that one is slot loading while the other has a drawer?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

              I would go for what ever easy to obtain drive from the top part of the list, 5.25" drives are easier to obtain and cheaper.


              • Laz Baz

                • May 2011
                • 24

                Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

                Hi all,
                This is my first real post and I need some help.
                1. I started ripping all my Redbook CDs (44.1/16bit) and 96/24Bit-only 1 CD- to FLAC and storing them to 1Tb External HD.
                2. I was disappointed to find the play back of the FLAC inferior to the CD track. My friend confirmed the same.
                3. My equipment: LG HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GMA-4020B ripping drive. Cambride Audio 650BD DVD/CD player; Onkyo TXNR609 Receiver with USB input having 192/24 DACs but only plays up to 96/24 FLAC files, IMF Transmission Line speakers.
                Q1:Which is the weak link in the rip/playback chain? (a) Ripper drive, (b) EHD/USB output to Receiver or (c) receiver? I would personally discount (c). But I do not have enough knowledge to say which of the other two links. But I have more info of the rip which may point to the right resolution. The track ripped by EAC gives a confidence 2 and ripped by dBpoweramp gives an accuracy of 2. Does this show I may need something like Plextor 230A 99.6427% as Spoon has demonstrated with his list of tests?
                Track tested is james Taylor, Hourglass, Gaia.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

                  If accuraterip verifies a track, even with a confidence of just 1, that is enough to prove the rip is 100% correct. This eliminates the ripping.


                  • Laz Baz

                    • May 2011
                    • 24

                    Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    If accuraterip verifies a track, even with a confidence of just 1, that is enough to prove the rip is 100% correct. This eliminates the ripping.
                    If the rip is 100%, then why is there a difference in sound quality when played back as I have staed in 2 of my previous post?


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44844

                      Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

                      You would have to look at playback, I can tell you the files ripped are 100% the same as the glass master used to produce the CD.


                      • Laz Baz

                        • May 2011
                        • 24

                        Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

                        Originally posted by Spoon
                        You would have to look at playback, I can tell you the files ripped are 100% the same as the glass master used to produce the CD.
                        Thank you all who have contributed to my post.
                        I will have to find out more about playback and do motre tests.


                        • Laz Baz

                          • May 2011
                          • 24

                          Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

                          I have just purchaded dBpoweramp R14 reference software and ripped a few tracks and the results are shown.
                          1. HDCH 96/20 ripped file shows 44.1/24. Howcan I rup to 96/20?
                          2. CD 96/24 ripped shows 44.1/16. How can I rip to 96/24?
                          3. CD just says 128X Oversampling (it does not say what Bit) ripped shows 44.1/16. What is 128X OS? and how to rip to same as original?
                          4. 20Bit Digital (does not say what sampling rate) ripped file shows 44.1/16.
                          5. Of course DVD-A and SACD can not be ripped as i tried.
                          It is my early days but I want to know the possibilities before I rip all my CDs.
                          Any help will be most welcome.
                          Last edited by Laz Baz; June 02, 2011, 08:05 PM. Reason: Mistake in 1. It should be HDCD


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

                            >HDCH 96/20

                            You mean HDCD? this is 20 bit 44.1KHz

                            3. Oversampling is nothing to do with Ripping, only DACs


                            • Laz Baz

                              • May 2011
                              • 24

                              Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

                              Yes you are right. Using dBpoweramp R14, what I meant to ask is;
                              1. HDCD is 44.1/20 but when ripped, the file becomes 44.1/24. What settings can I change so it keeps the native resolution of 44.1/20?
                              2. Likewise this track is 96/24 mastered from the original master tape but when ripped the file becomes 44.1/16. What settings can I change so it keeps the native resolution ie 96/24?
                              3. This album is a Chesky Record and just says 128 oversampling. How can I know what sampling rate and Bit rate is? Then what settings can I change so it keeps the native resolution?
                              4. This album is a TELARC and just says this CD was produced from 20bit Digital masters. How can I find out what the Sampling rate and Bit rate is? Then what settings can I change so it keeps the native resolution?
                              4. Was just a statement.

                              If you could help with 1 & 2 and some feedback for 3 & 4 , if there is anything to add.


                              • Spoon
                                • Apr 2002
                                • 44844

                                Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2011

                                >What settings can I change so it keeps the native resolution of 44.1/20?

                                You cannot have 20 bit resolution on a PC, every bitdepth is divisible by 8 (ie 8, 16, 24, 32).

                                > Likewise this track is 96/24 mastered from the original master tape but when ripped the file becomes 44.1/16.

                                Every CD except HDCD and SACD are 44.1, 16 bit, it does not matter if it was mastered in 96/24, when it is written to CD it is 16 bit 44.1KHz.

                                It is all marketing spiel, the final CD is the same.

