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Metatag Anomaly

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  • daven

    • Oct 2010
    • 12

    Metatag Anomaly

    I trade in live concert recordings and am slowly meta-tagging them for use with my Sonos system. Out of all of the tagging programs and utilities I have tried, I find the contextual file editor of dbpoweramp the easiest to use for this purpose. But lately I've noticed that although I'm given the option of creating a tag for AlbumArtist (a Sonos requirement), the tag is not saved on some non-US created files. MediaMonkey doesn't seem to have a problem. Is there some European file convention that I am running a foul of? It seems that the files are French (identification based solely on language used), if that makes a difference.

    Inquiring minds would just like to know. I can get around it, I just have to pay closer attention.
