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Missing album tracks after successful rip.

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  • cgbissett

    • Jul 2008
    • 18

    Missing album tracks after successful rip.

    I started ripping my CD collection this evening. I am using the mutli-encoder for three rips, Aiff, Flac & MP3. The latter two codecs stored on the same drive in separate folders. I completed 4 test rips, and imported the data into J.River and iTunes, all OK. I ripped around 20 CD's in total, however two of them are missing several tracks. I monitored the rips, all ripped correctly and accurately. The embedded report verifies this, any ideas on why several tracks are missing.

    Regards Craig
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Missing album tracks after successful rip.

    Have a look for the actual files on your HDD, when you find one of the missing ones, right click on the track >> Edit ID Tags to check eveything is ok with the file.


    • cgbissett

      • Jul 2008
      • 18

      Re: Missing album tracks after successful rip.

      The missing tracks were also missing from their respective HD folders, I checked other folders and files as well, nothing. I then ran a test, I went to single encoding, used Flac and sent the CD to my Archive drive, all songs were present. I then used the batch converter and sent the songs to my playback drive, the tracks that were mssing using the Multi encoder were missing after batch converting to AIFF, the original rip in Flac was fine. I then ripped the CD again using AIFF to my playback drive, all files were present. It appears to be an issue with the two albums, I have ripped around another 30 albums all OK. I'll keep my eye on it.

      Cheers Craig


      • johngla

        • Jan 2011
        • 9

        Re: Missing album tracks after successful rip.

        I had a similar issue to this with lossless WMA. Tracks only seemed to be missing if the verification (to wav) failed which seemed to randomly happen from time to time? I've also ended up with 28k size 0 seconds long files when verification of the lossless has failed, the lossy versions of the same files (also using multi encoder) were fine. This was annoying as I had just assumed I was seeing an GUI Error rather than the files actually being missing or effectively corrupt.

