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Is this rip accurate?

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  • fartlekrun

    • Dec 2010
    • 12

    Is this rip accurate?

    Hello all:

    I ripped a CD a couple of months ago. With AccurateRip confidence of 1, result was:
    3 track(s) accurately ripped
    1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
    1 track(s) not present in the AccurateRip database

    I ripped the disk a second time on a different computer with different drive. Same result.

    Here's an excerpt from one of the EAC logs:
    Track  1
         Filename F:\Music\01 - Symphony No. 4 in E, op. 68- I. Allegro non troppo.wav
         Pre-gap length  0:00:02.42
         Peak level 82.0 %
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC BE4CED8A
         Copy CRC BE4CED8A
         Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1)  [BFAAC389], AccurateRip returned [FBD1BB54]
         Copy OK
    Track  2
         Filename F:\Music\02 - Symphony No. 4 in E, op. 68- II. Andante moderato.wav
         Pre-gap length  0:00:03.50
         Peak level 89.1 %
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC 4E4337FD
         Copy CRC 4E4337FD
         Accurately ripped (confidence 1)  [F4AE2472]
         Copy OK
    Track  3
         Filename F:\Music\03 - Symphony No. 4 in E, op. 68- III. Allegro giocoso.wav
         Pre-gap length  0:00:03.49
         Peak level 91.7 %
         Track quality 99.9 %
         Test CRC 1F0C5918
         Copy CRC 1F0C5918
         Accurately ripped (confidence 1)  [653FF457]
         Copy OK
    Track  4
         Filename F:\Music\04 - Symphony No. 4 in E, op. 68- IV. Allegro energico e passionato.wav
         Pre-gap length  0:00:03.42
         Peak level 88.1 %
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC E2792B14
         Copy CRC E2792B14
         Accurately ripped (confidence 1)  [84BBB811]
         Copy OK
    Track  5
         Filename F:\Music\05 - Alto Rhapsody, op. 53.wav
         Pre-gap length  0:00:08.33
         Peak level 78.2 %
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC 025E9CDD
         Copy CRC 025E9CDD
         Track not present in AccurateRip database
         Copy OK
     3 track(s) accurately ripped
     1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
     1 track(s) not present in the AccurateRip database
    Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
    No errors occurred
    Since the recent database update (thanks Spoon!), I ran an .accurip report which now says the rip is accurate with confidence 2. Here's the .accurip report:

    [CUETools log; Date: 07/01/2011 8:39:17 PM; Version: 2.0.9]
    Pregap length 00:00:32.
    [CTDB TOCID: VIUkFs9ZNM.JOeXqagijo2mm1tc-] disk not present in database.
    [AccurateRip ID: 000a9fcc-0030f361-420bfd05] found.
    Track   [ CRC    ] Status
     01     [bfaac389] (2/2) Accurately ripped
     02     [f4ae2472] (3/3) Accurately ripped
     03     [653ff457] (3/3) Accurately ripped
     04     [84bbb811] (3/3) Accurately ripped
     05     [2b6c327c] (2/2) Accurately ripped
    Track Peak [ CRC32  ] [W/O NULL] [  LOG   ]
     --   91.7 [8464C329] [FB4CE8E5]
     01   82.0 [BE4CED8A] [B11EE64E]   CRC32
     02   89.1 [4E4337FD] [4A0B9146]   CRC32
     03   91.7 [1F0C5918] [8D1ED772]   CRC32
     04   88.1 [E2792B14] [0BA0858A]   CRC32
     05   78.2 [025E9CDD] [BA79025C]   CRC32
    Is this rip accurate?

    This is a 23-year-old disk, so not common. I assume that the confidence 2 is the two rips I made of the same disk on two different computers, right?
    Does that mean that I'm just seeing confirmation of possibly the same bad disk, or does this mean that it is indeed an accurate rip?

    Thanks for any insight.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Is this rip accurate?

    You are comparing the same disc (from 2 different computers, which you own). The power of Accuraterip is to compare with someone elses disc, this rules out consistent errors.


    • fartlekrun

      • Dec 2010
      • 12

      Re: Is this rip accurate?

      Right, I understand that. So does this mean that the database now has verification of two identical rips of a potentially bad disk?

      Or, does the fact that I got the same result on two different computers mean that the disk is fine and the rip is accurate? Is it possible for two different drives to achieve identical rips yet both rips are inaccurate?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44843

        Re: Is this rip accurate?

        It is difficult to say for certain, two different brands of CD/ DVD drive should be ok as long as they are not the same chipset internally (if they have different offsets they are ok).


        • fartlekrun

          • Dec 2010
          • 12

          Re: Is this rip accurate?


          Yes, the drives are different brands with different offsets.

