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New CD, One Track Reported as Inaccurate.

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  • The_Slider

    • Dec 2010
    • 7

    New CD, One Track Reported as Inaccurate.

    So I just got Sign 'O' The Times by Prince ripped both CDs with EAC.

    Here is the Log for Disc One:

    Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
    EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 15:40
    Prince / Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 1]
    Used drive  : ATAPI   DVD A  DH20A4P   Adapter: 0  ID: 0
    Read mode               : Secure
    Utilize accurate stream : Yes
    Defeat audio cache      : Yes
    Make use of C2 pointers : No
    Read offset correction                      : 6
    Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
    Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
    Delete leading and trailing silent blocks   : No
    Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
    Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
    Gap handling                                : Not detected, thus appended to previous track
    Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
    Selected bitrate                : 128 kBit/s
    Quality                         : High
    Add ID3 tag                     : No
    Command line compressor         : C:\Program Files\FLAC\flac.exe
    Additional command line options : -8 -V -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" %s
    TOC of the extracted CD
         Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector 
            1  |  0:00.00 |  4:57.05 |         0    |    22279   
            2  |  4:57.05 |  5:05.20 |     22280    |    45174   
            3  | 10:02.25 |  4:42.05 |     45175    |    66329   
            4  | 14:44.30 |  4:01.70 |     66330    |    84474   
            5  | 18:46.25 |  5:09.62 |     84475    |   107711   
            6  | 23:56.12 |  2:50.40 |    107712    |   120501   
            7  | 26:46.52 |  4:22.23 |    120502    |   140174   
            8  | 31:09.00 |  5:39.02 |    140175    |   165601   
            9  | 36:48.02 |  3:30.38 |    165602    |   181389   
    Track  1
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 1]\01 Sign 'O' The Times.wav
         Peak level 41.1 %
         Extraction speed 1.9 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC 06DD09B2
         Copy CRC 06DD09B2
         Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 44)  [8037394D], AccurateRip returned [D9C55BF2]
         Copy OK
    Track  2
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 1]\02 Play In The Sunshine.wav
         Peak level 58.4 %
         Extraction speed 2.2 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC CFCEBCFC
         Copy CRC CFCEBCFC
         Accurately ripped (confidence 43)  [75C0490A]
         Copy OK
    Track  3
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 1]\03 Housequake.wav
         Peak level 50.1 %
         Extraction speed 2.4 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC EBD694E0
         Copy CRC EBD694E0
         Accurately ripped (confidence 43)  [CFBED39F]
         Copy OK
    Track  4
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 1]\04 The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker.wav
         Peak level 58.5 %
         Extraction speed 2.5 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC 68DCA80D
         Copy CRC 68DCA80D
         Accurately ripped (confidence 44)  [C5CF1F9A]
         Copy OK
    Track  5
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 1]\05 It.wav
         Peak level 68.7 %
         Extraction speed 2.4 X
         Track quality 99.9 %
         Test CRC A3BD5021
         Copy CRC A3BD5021
         Accurately ripped (confidence 44)  [ADD79C98]
         Copy OK
    Track  6
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 1]\06 Starfish And Coffee.wav
         Peak level 84.8 %
         Extraction speed 2.7 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC 6D82635D
         Copy CRC 6D82635D
         Accurately ripped (confidence 44)  [9E726EBB]
         Copy OK
    Track  7
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 1]\07 Slow Love.wav
         Peak level 60.7 %
         Extraction speed 2.4 X
         Track quality 99.9 %
         Test CRC A5E79DEE
         Copy CRC A5E79DEE
         Accurately ripped (confidence 44)  [063AE09D]
         Copy OK
    Track  8
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 1]\08 Hot Thing.wav
         Peak level 85.4 %
         Extraction speed 2.7 X
         Track quality 99.9 %
         Test CRC 5100D1F1
         Copy CRC 5100D1F1
         Accurately ripped (confidence 43)  [B5496501]
         Copy OK
    Track  9
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 1]\09 Forever In My Life.wav
         Peak level 49.4 %
         Extraction speed 2.4 X
         Track quality 99.9 %
         Test CRC 949CB41B
         Copy CRC 949CB41B
         Accurately ripped (confidence 44)  [63AA5825]
         Copy OK
     8 track(s) accurately ripped
     1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
    Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
    No errors occurred
    End of status report
    ==== Log checksum 2E40AB4638336517946B5DD51512CE979407DD5B8B23D3ACFF6C2E91A43F548A ====
    I ripped track one 3 times now, twice using secure mode and once with burst mode, all Test and Copy. All the results were the same except with burst there was a timing error.

    Disc 2 ripped fine with all tracks reported as accurate.

    Here is that log:
    Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
    EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 16:45
    Prince / Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 2]
    Used drive  : ATAPI   DVD A  DH20A4P   Adapter: 0  ID: 0
    Read mode               : Secure
    Utilize accurate stream : Yes
    Defeat audio cache      : Yes
    Make use of C2 pointers : No
    Read offset correction                      : 6
    Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
    Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
    Delete leading and trailing silent blocks   : No
    Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
    Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
    Gap handling                                : Not detected, thus appended to previous track
    Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
    Selected bitrate                : 128 kBit/s
    Quality                         : High
    Add ID3 tag                     : No
    Command line compressor         : C:\Program Files\FLAC\flac.exe
    Additional command line options : -8 -V -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" %s
    TOC of the extracted CD
         Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector 
            1  |  0:00.32 |  3:47.53 |        32    |    17109   
            2  |  3:48.10 |  5:01.55 |     17110    |    39739   
            3  |  8:49.65 |  4:01.10 |     39740    |    57824   
            4  | 12:51.00 |  6:29.18 |     57825    |    87017   
            5  | 19:20.18 |  4:48.65 |     87018    |   108682   
            6  | 24:09.08 |  9:01.57 |    108683    |   149314   
            7  | 33:10.65 |  6:30.33 |    149315    |   178597   
    Track  1
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 2]\01 U Got The Look.wav
         Peak level 60.1 %
         Extraction speed 1.8 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC FBCCB04D
         Copy CRC FBCCB04D
         Accurately ripped (confidence 17)  [F6320CCB]
         Copy OK
    Track  2
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 2]\02 If I Was Your Girlfriend.wav
         Peak level 54.9 %
         Extraction speed 2.1 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC 3EEE2FA9
         Copy CRC 3EEE2FA9
         Accurately ripped (confidence 17)  [5159E9B5]
         Copy OK
    Track  3
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 2]\03 Strange Relationship.wav
         Peak level 60.1 %
         Extraction speed 2.3 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC 9AD568D4
         Copy CRC 9AD568D4
         Accurately ripped (confidence 17)  [0EC5926B]
         Copy OK
    Track  4
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 2]\04 I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man.wav
         Peak level 58.8 %
         Extraction speed 2.7 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC 564C247F
         Copy CRC 564C247F
         Accurately ripped (confidence 17)  [49A7ED9C]
         Copy OK
    Track  5
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 2]\05 The Cross.wav
         Peak level 46.3 %
         Extraction speed 2.3 X
         Track quality 99.9 %
         Test CRC 8BF3D766
         Copy CRC 8BF3D766
         Accurately ripped (confidence 17)  [5145642F]
         Copy OK
    Track  6
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 2]\06 It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Night.wav
         Peak level 70.8 %
         Extraction speed 3.2 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC BB114948
         Copy CRC BB114948
         Accurately ripped (confidence 17)  [DE519548]
         Copy OK
    Track  7
         Filename D:\Music\Music Library\Lossless\Prince\Sign 'O' The Times [Disc 2]\07 Adore.wav
         Peak level 38.4 %
         Extraction speed 3.4 X
         Track quality 100.0 %
         Test CRC E6703906
         Copy CRC E6703906
         Accurately ripped (confidence 17)  [40F55580]
         Copy OK
    All tracks accurately ripped
    No errors occurred
    End of status report
    ==== Log checksum 7E4FDC7E92A35EEA813645F9753F8C566A093F081DED93C14B962997F5DC5DEF ====
    I am assuming this a manufacturing defect on Disc 1.
  • The_Slider

    • Dec 2010
    • 7

    Re: New CD, One Track Reported as Inaccurate.

    So I ripped that track on another computer using burst and it came up accurate.

    Here is the log:
    Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
    EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 18:20
    Prince / Sign 'O' The Times (Disc 1)
    Used drive  : HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR8160B   Adapter: 1  ID: 0
    Read mode : Burst
    Read offset correction                      : 102
    Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
    Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
    Delete leading and trailing silent blocks   : No
    Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
    Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
    Gap handling                                : Not detected, thus appended to previous track
    Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
    Selected bitrate                : 768 kBit/s
    Quality                         : High
    Add ID3 tag                     : No
    Command line compressor         : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
    Additional command line options : -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %j--picture="%i"%j %s -o %d
    TOC of the extracted CD
         Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector 
            1  |  0:00.00 |  4:57.05 |         0    |    22279   
            2  |  4:57.05 |  5:05.20 |     22280    |    45174   
            3  | 10:02.25 |  4:42.05 |     45175    |    66329   
            4  | 14:44.30 |  4:01.70 |     66330    |    84474   
            5  | 18:46.25 |  5:09.62 |     84475    |   107711   
            6  | 23:56.12 |  2:50.40 |    107712    |   120501   
            7  | 26:46.52 |  4:22.23 |    120502    |   140174   
            8  | 31:09.00 |  5:39.02 |    140175    |   165601   
            9  | 36:48.02 |  3:30.38 |    165602    |   181389   
    Track  1
         Filename C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\Sign 'O' The Times.wav
         Peak level 41.1 %
         Extraction speed 18.7 X
         Test CRC A91795FC
         Copy CRC A91795FC
         Accurately ripped (confidence 44)  [D9C55BF2]
         Copy OK
    All tracks accurately ripped
    No errors occurred
    End of status report
    ==== Log checksum 9B9255C047DDE59019A5A87D1F95398C7FEBE370DC191BB5598DE224B365FA4F ====
    Would it be fine to just take the track off the other computer and replace it with this track, to save me the time of ripping the entire cd again?

    Also does the offset only affect the last track of a cd or say you rip only a few does it not cut of the sectors at the end unless it is the last track on cd?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: New CD, One Track Reported as Inaccurate.

      You would be better to ask these questions on the EAC forum.


      • The_Slider

        • Dec 2010
        • 7

        Re: New CD, One Track Reported as Inaccurate.

        Yeah I guess so. I just thought AccurateRip so I came here, sorry about that.

        But can somebody here answer this question:

        Would it be fine to just take the track off the other computer and replace it with this track, to save me the time of ripping the entire cd again?

        Would it be the same as ripping the whole cd and replacing it on the other computer?



        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: New CD, One Track Reported as Inaccurate.

          It would be the same.

