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Near zero bitrate on some "secure" files

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  • dippert

    • Jul 2010
    • 3

    Near zero bitrate on some "secure" files

    Some of my CDs' tracks are 'Re-rip'ing thousands of frames. I have turned on the option to abort secure rip after 100 unrecoverable frames, but some tracks still go the whole distance and turn up as 'secure' only to have a bit rate of 10 or less in itunes (I'm ripping to flac and apple lossess using multi encoder). My flac files' properties are showing bit rates near 1000, like a good song, but winamp & WMP won't play them.

    What's happening?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Near zero bitrate on some "secure" files

    You have c2 pointers enabled? if so try switching off.


    • dippert

      • Jul 2010
      • 3

      Re: Near zero bitrate on some "secure" files

      ok, that worked for a few tracks. the last one on the CD still re-rips every frame of the track, 10,000+ frames. It doesn't do it on all of the CD's though. A few of them were brand new discs. Only taken out of the case to rip.

