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What setting to rip the absolute best file possible

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  • jaredean

    • Jun 2010
    • 26

    What setting to rip the absolute best file possible

    I am archiving my CD collection and will be ripping it all to FLAC format. I am not concerned about drive space, but more concerned with getting a perfect rip of my music so i can store it in the basement. I know the difference between the flac "quality", in that it will all be the same but take less space/more processor power to decode. I've decided to go FLAC 0, which will save a little battery on my player in decoding.

    But, i really want to know what setting i should make and look for to make sure my CD's are ripped perfectly. Is there a guide/suggestion somewhere that says something like, "check this, uncheck this, etc."...i don't care AT ALL how long a single CD takes, as long as it is perfect.

    I also have 2 different CD drives and don't know which one would be the best to rip using.

    Any help/direction would be excellent!

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: What setting to rip the absolute best file possible



    • jaredean

      • Jun 2010
      • 26

      Re: What setting to rip the absolute best file possible

      perfect, thanks - so this is a document all agree on to get the best possible rip - or are there different schools of thought on settings?

