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Secure as ripping status of one track

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  • Sybrandt

    • Sep 2010
    • 12

    Secure as ripping status of one track

    Hi everybody

    Today I have ripped the Thomas Dybdahl cd "One Day You Will Dance For Me, New York City" with dbPowerAmp's cd ripper, but unfortunately the ripping status puzzles me. The first 8 tracks have accureate as rip status with 6 and in some cases 7 matching results (the number in brackets). However, the final track (track number 9) called "Piece" has Secure as rip status. The complete status for this tracks is as follows:
    X AR v Secure (42).

    If I understand the help file correctly, the above mentioned status means that the rip had no detectable errors, but the CD is not present in AccurateRip's database. This seems odd to me, though, as the 8 first tracks were present in AccurateRip's database. Cosequently, I don't really know what to do with the track. Can I assume that the track is fine, and that I don't need to do anything to it, or should I re-rip it with some changed settings?

    It's really important for me to get good FLAC rips of the cds in my cd collection, as I intend to use the rips as "master copies" to be played on a Sonos system I intend to buy within the next couple of weeks. Therefore it is very important for me to know whether getting a "secure" rip should be fine.

    Best regards
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Secure as ripping status of one track

    No, the track is in the AR database (as the other tracks matched and they had a reasonable confidence, if it was a confidence of 1 there is a chance the other person did not want to rip the last track).

    It is possible that your rip has errors, but your drive could not detect there was an error.


    • Sybrandt

      • Sep 2010
      • 12

      Re: Secure as ripping status of one track

      Hi Spoon

      Thanks for your answer.

      You mentioned that it is possible that my rip (of track number 9) has errors, but that my drive could not detect there was an error. In such a situation would you then recommend that I try ripping the track with my external cd/dvd writer? I am thinking that it might be worth a try checking out whether the externatl cd/dvd writer gets the same result as the internal drive.

      Best regards


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Secure as ripping status of one track

        Yes ripping with a 2nd drive is a good idea, compare the AccurateRip CRC between the two drives. If it is the same then the rip probably good.

