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Error: file does not exist '-' ???

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  • maroon2k

    • Sep 2010
    • 6

    Error: file does not exist '-' ???

    I just purchased and installed Reference R14, trying to rip my first cds.

    Im getting these error messages (see below) on all tracks, all cds, burst as well as secure mode...?

    Doesent matter if i try to rip to flac, wav or mp3, same problem

    ...what is the problem? Using windows XP 32bit btw, all latest service packs and updates installed

    Error ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 01 - I Like to Move It.flac'
    Error reading ID tags, file does not exist '-'
    Error reading file date time, file does not exist '-'
    Error reading file date time, file does not exist '-'
    Error reading file date time, file does not exist '-'
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Error: file does not exist '-' ???

    Please enable the debug log (dBpoweramp Configuration), then start CD Ripper and rip one track, close CD ripper and post the log (which will show in notepad) here please.


    • maroon2k

      • Sep 2010
      • 6

      Re: Error: file does not exist '-' ???

      I discovered this error occurs when the "Write metadata file" plugin is added to the DSP tab (options left blank). If I remove it again the error disappears. Debug log below:

      Splitting Command Line:Done
      ->-> [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
      <-<- [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
      Allying to Processor 1
      ->-> [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
      Loading Encoder 'C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\encoder\FLAC.DLL'
      <-<- [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
      BatchID [clEncoder::Set]
      ->-> [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
      <-<- [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
      SendRawUnCompressed [clEncoder::Get]
      IsLive [clDSP::Get]
      SendOverReplayGainTags [clDSP::Get]
      BatchID [clDSP::Set]
      IsLive [clDSP::Get]
      SendOverReplayGainTags [clDSP::Get]
      BatchID [clDSP::Set]
      IsLive [clDSP::Get]
      SendOverReplayGainTags [clDSP::Get]
      BatchID [clDSP::Set]
      IsLive [clDSP::Get]
      SendOverReplayGainTags [clDSP::Get]
      BatchID [clDSP::Set]
      Communicate [clEncoder::Get]
      ->-> [dBCoreConverter::OpenDecoder]
      Reading StdIn Tmp File IDTags: Read
      Using StdInput WFX:Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 176400 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0
      <-<- [dBCoreConverter::OpenDecoder]
      SendOverReplayGainTags [clEncoder::Get]
      ->-> [clDSP::BeginConversion]
      <-<- [clDSP::BeginConversion]
      ->-> [clDSP::BeginConversion]
      <-<- [clDSP::BeginConversion]
      ->-> [clDSP::PassNonLive]
      <-<- [clDSP::PassNonLive]
      ->-> [clDSP::BeginConversion]
      <-<- [clDSP::BeginConversion]
      ->-> [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
      Converting to 'C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.flac' encoder settings ' -compression-level-5'
      FLAC Compression Level: 5
      <-<- [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
      Communicate [clEncoder::Get]
      Encoding To: FLAC
      Encoder Cmd Line: -compression-level-5
      DSP Effects:
      ReplayGain: -albummode="0"
      Write metadata file: -xsltfile="" -ext=""
      HDCD (non-live):
      Playlist Writer: -type="m3u" -titles="[title]" -writepath="C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\" -filename="[artist] - [album]"

      ============= CONVERSION BEGIN =============
      ============= CONVERSION END =============
      Communicate [clEncoder::Get]
      ->-> [dBCoreConverter::CloseDecoder]
      ->-> [dBCoreConverter::CloseDecoder]
      <-<- [dBCoreConverter::CloseDecoder]
      ->-> [clDSP::EndConversion]
      Track ReplayGain: -4.45 dB Peak: 0.973694
      <-<- [clDSP::EndConversion]
      ->-> [clDSP::EndConversion]
      <-<- [clDSP::EndConversion]
      ->-> [clDSP::EndConversion]
      <-<- [clDSP::EndConversion]
      ->-> [clEncoder::EndConversion]
      <-<- [clEncoder::EndConversion]
      ->-> [dBCoreConverter::IDTagWriter]
      ->-> [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
      Checking Decoder 'C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll' for extension '.flac'
      Decodes [clDecoder::Get]
      <<< Match, using decoder
      Using Registry Cached Decoder: C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll
      <-<- [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
      IDTags [clDecoder::Set]
      ->-> [clDecoder::WriteIDTags]
      Opening file 'C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.flac' for write access: Opened
      ->-> [clDecoder::Open]
      Opening file 'C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.flac' for read access: Opened
      Init FLAC:
      Reading Meta Data:
      contained 0 tags:
      ->-> [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
      <-<- [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Open]
      ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [clDecoder::WriteIDTags]
      <-<- [dBCoreConverter::IDTagWriter]
      ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
      Communicate [clEncoder::Get]
      ->-> [clDSP::AfterConversion]
      <-<- [clDSP::AfterConversion]
      ->-> [clDSP::AfterConversion]
      ->-> [clDSP::WriteXMLFile]
      ->-> [clDSP::GetAudioInfo]
      Reading audio info from file 'C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.flac'
      ->-> [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
      Checking Decoder 'C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll' for extension '.flac'
      Decodes [clDecoder::Get]
      <<< Match, using decoder
      Using Registry Cached Decoder: C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll
      ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
      ->-> [clDecoder::Open]
      Opening file 'C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.flac' for read access: Opened
      Init FLAC:
      Reading Meta Data:
      contained 21 tags:
      UPC: 724383096527
      Label: EMI Music Distribution
      Style: Club/Dance
      Artist: Reel 2 Real
      Composer: Erick "More" Morillo
      Mark Quashie
      Peter Tulloch
      Title: The Stuntman's Anthem
      Album: Move It!
      Genre: Electronica
      Year: 1995
      Rating: 3
      Source: CD (Lossless)
      Length: 227760
      CDDB Disc ID: A20D210C
      Encoded By: dBpoweramp Release 14
      Encoder: FLAC 1.2.1
      Encoder Settings: -compression-level-5
      replaygain_track_gain: -4.45 dB
      replaygain_track_peak: 0.973694
      Track: 05/12
      Disc: 1/1
      album artist: Reel 2 Real
      Contains picture block, size (bytes): 341577 type: 3
      ->-> [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
      Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 176400 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0
      Audio Length: 227760 mili-seconds 22738124 bytes 1411 kbps
      <-<- [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Open]
      ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
      ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
      Finished reading audio info from file 'C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.flac'
      <-<- [clDSP::GetAudioInfo]
      ->-> [clDSP::GetAudioProperties]
      Reading audio properties from file 'C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.flac'
      ->-> [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
      Checking Decoder 'C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll' for extension '.flac'
      Decodes [clDecoder::Get]
      <<< Match, using decoder
      Using Registry Cached Decoder: C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll
      ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
      ->-> [clDecoder::Open]
      Opening file 'C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.flac' for read access: Opened
      Init FLAC:
      Reading Meta Data:
      contained 21 tags:
      UPC: 724383096527
      Label: EMI Music Distribution
      Style: Club/Dance
      Artist: Reel 2 Real
      Composer: Erick "More" Morillo
      Mark Quashie
      Peter Tulloch
      Title: The Stuntman's Anthem
      Album: Move It!
      Genre: Electronica
      Year: 1995
      Rating: 3
      Source: CD (Lossless)
      Length: 227760
      CDDB Disc ID: A20D210C
      Encoded By: dBpoweramp Release 14
      Encoder: FLAC 1.2.1
      Encoder Settings: -compression-level-5
      replaygain_track_gain: -4.45 dB
      replaygain_track_peak: 0.973694
      Track: 05/12
      Disc: 1/1
      album artist: Reel 2 Real
      Contains picture block, size (bytes): 341577 type: 3
      ->-> [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
      <-<- [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
      ->-> [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
      Encoder: FLAC reference libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917
      Sample Count: 10*blooper*044*blooper*216
      ID Tag: Vorbis Comments
      Contains: Album Art, CRC, ReplayGain, ID Tag [Vorbis Comments]
      <-<- [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Open]
      ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
      ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
      <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
      Finished reading audio properties from file 'C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.flac'
      <-<- [clDSP::GetAudioProperties]
      ->-> [clDSP::GetIDTags]
      *** Error: Error reading ID tags, file does not exist '-'
      ->-> [clDSP::GetFormattedFileDateTime]
      *** Error: Error reading file date time, file does not exist '-'
      ->-> [clDSP::GetFormattedFileDateTime]
      *** Error: Error reading file date time, file does not exist '-'
      ->-> [clDSP::GetFormattedFileDateTime]
      *** Error: Error reading file date time, file does not exist '-'
      ->-> [clDSP::GetFormattedFileDateTime]
      <-<- [clDSP::GetFormattedFileDateTime]
      ->-> [clDSP::GetFormattedFileDateTime]
      <-<- [clDSP::GetFormattedFileDateTime]
      ->-> [clDSP::GetFormattedFileDateTime]
      <-<- [clDSP::GetFormattedFileDateTime]
      Writing metadata file: C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.xml [clDSP::WriteXMLFile]
      Finished writing metadata file: C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Music\Reel 2 Real\Move It!\Reel 2 Real - 05 - The Stuntman's Anthem.xml Filesize: 2645 [clDSP::WriteXMLFile]
      <-<- [clDSP::WriteXMLFile]
      <-<- [clDSP::AfterConversion]
      ->-> [clDSP::AfterConversion]
      <-<- [clDSP::AfterConversion]
      ->-> [clDSP::AfterConversion]
      <-<- [clDSP::AfterConversion]
      Conversion completed in 1,5 seconds x150 realtime encoding


      • Relayer56

        • Sep 2010
        • 18

        Re: Error: file does not exist '-' ???

        I wonder if this isn't the same problem I am having with the MultiEncoder. I'm going to try removing the "write metadata file" DSP and will let you know what I find.


        • Relayer56

          • Sep 2010
          • 18

          Re: Error: file does not exist '-' ???

          Apparently that was the source of my problems too. Without the "Write metadata file" DSP it works fine.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Error: file does not exist '-' ???

            Bug noted.


            • Perec75

              • Nov 2019
              • 10

              Re: Error: file does not exist '-' ???


              I have same problem at 2021.12.09. :D R17.4!!!!
              I want to use the program in Multi Encoder mode - CUE Single File Image with Write Metadata File and Playlist Writer DSP.
              When the Write Meta Data DSP add to the DSP list, I got File does not exist in C:\User\Music folder.
              I delete the Write Metadata from the DSP list, the grab finished correctly... WOW.
              I also have File does not exist error..., when I want to make a Rip at One.....
              Other interesting thing, the M3u list is created in the User\Music folder, but I set it to the Write to Same folder as first track.
              Last edited by Perec75; December 09, 2021, 03:29 PM.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Error: file does not exist '-' ???

                It is not possible to use these group of encoders or dsps together.

