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Get Album Art Of Already Ripped Albums?

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  • kwanbis

    • Mar 2006
    • 45

    Get Album Art Of Already Ripped Albums?

    Is it possible to use dbpamp somehow to get album art of previously ripped albums? In the past i didn't care about the folder.jpg, and i even deleted them!, but now it is very useful on my touch.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Get Album Art Of Already Ripped Albums?

    Sorry it is not.


    • Cloudberry

      • Jun 2010
      • 36

      Re: Get Album Art Of Already Ripped Albums?

      Maybe, maybe there is.

      I have ripped 2.000 cd's through iTunes over the years. Luckily in Lossless format.

      Since I ripped in iTunes it also means that the tagging likely matches the iTunes database fairly well (which of course could imply a problem for those who have not ripped via iTunes - but this I do not know). problem for me was that iTunes stores album art in a separate database, i.e. separated from the music files.

      Just recently I found a program on Sonos homepage who deals with this, at least for my need. Sonos needs this since their product reads iTunes music and has facility to display album art, but I guess is not able to read the iTunes albumart database.

      Here is the program

      What I can imagine could work is that you:

      Convert you music library to Apple Lossless (there you should not loose any quality). Import this new library into iTunes. iTunes has function to load album art for the complete database in one go (for the files where it gets a direct hit on the iTunes shop).

      Next you run this script which cretaes a albumart file for each song and then embeds the album art in the ID tag.

      Next you run dbpow converter to the forma you wich and sets the batch paramenters to create a folder.jpg from the embeded album art.

      Only problem as I can see is if you get a very low hit rate due to differences in tagging between your songs and iTunes.

      You may require some USB disks around - these runs takes time.


      • Tom Mann

        • Dec 2009
        • 5

        Re: Get Album Art Of Already Ripped Albums?

        I believe Musicbrainz picard tool has a plugin that allows you to download album artwork. Failing that (or if you're really picky) get downloading hi-quality artwork from google image search, then use mp3tag to apply the artwork to your files. (It doesn't just work for mp3s!)


        • petacat

          • Sep 2010
          • 11

          Re: Get Album Art Of Already Ripped Albums?

          What I do is insert a CD to be ripped and just add the album art (in my case from a scanner). You do not have to r-rip the CD and the album art is there in the folder.


          • RonM
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Nov 2008
            • 105

            Re: Get Album Art Of Already Ripped Albums?

            I will no doubt be banned from ever posting here again for this suggestion, but here goes. . .

            You could always enable "retrieve additional information from the internet", checking "only retrieve missing information" in (dare I say it) Windows Media Player. This should minimize the extent to which WMP screws up your tags, and also get most of the album art. Just leave it on chugging overnight.



            • JoeBroesel

              • Dec 2008
              • 36

              Re: Get Album Art Of Already Ripped Albums?

              Hi kwanbis,
              have you already tried


