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What does it mean when the CRC numbers are red?

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  • Wandrin*

    • Aug 2010
    • 3

    What does it mean when the CRC numbers are red?

    Apologies, this answer is probably in here or the release notes somewhere, but 'crc' and 'red' are too short to search on. I went through several pages of thread headers with no results.


    What do the red CRC numbers mean when I have 'accurate' or 'secure' results?

  • Porcus
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2007
    • 792

    Re: What does it mean when the CRC numbers are red?

    If you rip a track twice, the CRC will turn green if they match and red if they don't. So you have recently ripped twice with different results.

    - Only in exceptiona cases will both be "Accurate". It could be if you have tried two different physical CDs which are different pressings but have the same TOC. Or -- because of the presence of such -- you ended up with a misconfiguration of AccurateRip (one configuration for each run). Or even: you have tried a manufactoring-defective CD where two outcomes are likely (and the same two outcomes prevail over all items sold, so that they will both end up in the database) -- I suspect this is the case with "The Great Gig In The Sky" from Pink Floyd's "Pulse".
    - Both showing up as "Secure" could happen for similar reasons, and more often. Especially both showing up as Secure (Warning).

