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Is there anyway to capitalize all Meta data song titles?

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  • DongaTon

    • Jun 2010
    • 14

    Is there anyway to capitalize all Meta data song titles?

    It is really doing my head in editing the song titles, to get words like "the" "of" etc with a capital. One of the meta data results always has it capitalized, but never has the release date!

    Is there a way to automatically capitalize the song titles? It's really slowing down my process, thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Is there anyway to capitalize all Meta data song titles?

    There are capitalization options in the ID Tag Processing DSP Effect.


    • DongaTon

      • Jun 2010
      • 14

      Re: Is there anyway to capitalize all Meta data song titles?

      That worked great, thanks Spoon. wasn't sure it had at first, you don't see it physically changing in the ripper, but when you check the meta data on the flac files it all shows capitals. Cheers!


      • wondermouse

        • Sep 2009
        • 39

        Re: Is there anyway to capitalize all Meta data song titles?


        A Title Case option should be included somewhere (or if it is I haven't Found it yet!)


        • heinhuiz

          • May 2003
          • 18

          Re: Is there anyway to capitalize all Meta data song titles?

          Originally posted by DongaTon
          That worked great, thanks Spoon. wasn't sure it had at first, you don't see it physically changing in the ripper, but when you check the meta data on the flac files it all shows capitals. Cheers!
          Indeed it works great on the metadata, but I would like the title in my filename capitalized the same way.

