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AMG Genre (and a Couple of Other Questions)

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  • vagskal

    • Aug 2008
    • 9

    AMG Genre (and a Couple of Other Questions)

    1. I have noticed that the CD ripper does not get from AMG the same genre as is displayed when accessing AMB on the web (CD Ripper reporting "Rock" from AMG while AMG web UI reports "Pop/Rock", for example). Is there anything to do about that?

    2. I have in the options checked "Force no date on year (ie 2004 not 2004 03 23)", but I still get the date. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong? I am on Win 7 64-bit using the latest version of dBp.

    3. Would it be possible for you to install the Tapatalk plugin (it is free) for your forum software so that I can take part in the forums in a convenient way using my iThing and the $3 Tapatalk app? SMF forums are now supported and I think it looks like you are running SMF.

    4. The meta data connection to AMG is usually very good, but today dBp failed to find this album on AMG I just wanted to let you know in case there is something to do about it in the future.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: AMG Genre (and a Couple of Other Questions)

    1) Did that value get saved in the style tag?

    2) The date will be dropped when writing the actual tag value.

    3) Sorry no.


    • vagskal

      • Aug 2008
      • 9

      Re: AMG Genre (and a Couple of Other Questions)

      Thanks for the reply.

      1. No. The style tag contains only the styles reported by AMG, not the genre as reported by AMG.

      2. Aha, I see. I will try to actually write the tag instead of always manually deleting the date before ripping...

      PS. Email notification from the forums seems not to work. I did not get an email about your reply although I have instant email notification set.

