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. . . > (Composer v ComposerSort)

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  • LowWater

    • Mar 2010
    • 4

    . . . > (Composer v ComposerSort)

    Would someone please point me to a self help guide describing the difference between Composer and ComposerSort?

    I'm at CD Ripper > Options > ID Tag Options >

    and with an audio library primarily recognized by Composer, I need to learn the difference
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44846

    Re: . . . > (Composer v ComposerSort)

    Composer sort is used by a program to sort the composers, but is not used for display. For Example you might have composer as:

    The Beetles

    and ComposerSort as Beetles, The

    so that Beetles is shown under B but is shown as The Beetles.


    • smcpoland

      • Apr 2006
      • 29

      Re: . . . > (Composer v ComposerSort)

      First a think you for including SonataDB, excellent!! And while it does still have issues it makes life so much easier. :D

      I would like to use composersort as my first level in naming Classsical music rather than composer but notice it is not available for selection from the metatag lists.

      For example Strauss, Johaness, Strauss, Richard etc. It doesn't work for me that I have to go first name last name.

      Most classical music is referenced by surname rather than first name. For example most people would say beethoven rather than ludwig when refering to a piece of music.

      Can we add this option, with the ability of course to determine where the composersort split is for a particular composer (maybe saving it in a configuration file as well for future reference and self correction). As with the Beethoven example, we call him Beethoven not the more correct von Beethoven, same with Mozart etc...

      TIA regards


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: . . . > (Composer v ComposerSort)

        Originally posted by smcpoland
        I would like to use composersort as my first level in naming Classsical music rather than composer but notice it is not available for selection from the metatag lists.
        Which version have you installed?

        R.14.1, CD Ripper has support for Composer, ComposerSort, Conductor, ConductorSort, Orchestra, Soloists, SoloistsSort, Instrument, Period and Chorus tags.
        Last edited by mville; February 24, 2011, 12:05 PM.

