hi everyone i wanna say, first, that i sincerely apologize for my laziness for this post but i will say, to help dull the sting of what seems like just another lazy dude who doesn't know what the word Search means, any answers, advice and all replies will determine whether or not i buy dbpoweramp.. so.. here is my questions or maybe i should say "requirements" for making the switch to dbpoweramp. what i need dbpoweramp to do for my rips is.. detect gaps, create cue sheet non-compliant, test and copy each track and probably the most important feature to me create a log file containing all details of my rip like LAME switch used, quality of each track.. pretty much all settings and options i used for the extraction oh and adding my own command-line switch. i have been ripping cd's for probably 10 years or so now and was lucky enough for my friend turning me onto eac for the software i used and after i used it once i never looked back but i also know of every app out there that does the same.. dbpoweramp is awesome although sadly i never bothered to try it for myself so it leads me to where i'm at now and although i am very loyal to eac i am also very bored with it.. the same thing over and over again for as long as i've been into it makes it very monotonous and i just want what i'm doing to be fresh and interesting again and dbpoweramp is the only eac alternative in my very short list of app's to try :D anyway.. thanks for any help, advice and any replies even if you pop in to give me a quick flaming.. any of the aforementioned subjects will be greatly appreciated. so please.. kindly amuse the old man
