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In AccurateRip DB but no metadata?

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  • lotusaurus

    • Feb 2010
    • 3

    In AccurateRip DB but no metadata?

    I was ripping a multi-disc audiobook and was pleasantly surprised to see that the first disc was actually in the AccurateRip DB, and it filled in some of the metadata (Album, Artist, and a few others). I don't have PerfectMeta access.

    The second disc, as expected, was also in the AccurateRip DB, but nothing appeared in the metadata. Can/should this happen? It is odd to be told that the disc is in the database without having any information about which disc the database thinks it is.
  • sredmyer
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2008
    • 186

    Re: In AccurateRip DB but no metadata?

    Originally posted by lotusaurus
    I was ripping a multi-disc audiobook and was pleasantly surprised to see that the first disc was actually in the AccurateRip DB, and it filled in some of the metadata (Album, Artist, and a few others). I don't have PerfectMeta access.

    The second disc, as expected, was also in the AccurateRip DB, but nothing appeared in the metadata. Can/should this happen? It is odd to be told that the disc is in the database without having any information about which disc the database thinks it is.
    AccurateRip has nothing to do with metadata. AccurateRip is an online database of raw audio CRCs. It is used to verify the accuracy of the data extracted from the CD when ripping. Think of it as a database full of audio fingerprints. When you rip you CD with dbPoweramp (or EAC or others) the resulting raw audio data is "fingerprinted". That "fingerprint" is then compared with the fingerprint, for the same track, in the database...if they match you very likely have an accurate extraction (rip). If they do not almost certainly do not have an accurate extraction and should consider re-ripping the disc/track in a different drive.

    PerfectMeta is an algorithm for combining multiple online metadata sources to achive a higher degree of accuracy and consistancy than a single provider could provide.


    • lotusaurus

      • Feb 2010
      • 3

      Re: In AccurateRip DB but no metadata?

      I understand what you've said, but in that case, where did the metadata come from for the first disc? Was it automatically populated from, say, freedb?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: In AccurateRip DB but no metadata?

        It could have been any of the providers.


        • sredmyer
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • May 2008
          • 186

          Re: In AccurateRip DB but no metadata?

          Originally posted by lotusaurus
          I understand what you've said, but in that case, where did the metadata come from for the first disc? Was it automatically populated from, say, freedb?
          Originally posted by Spoon
          It could have been any of the providers.
          While what Spoon says is of course true, since you mentioned you do not have PerfectMeta, the metadata could only have come from the free providers (FreeDB or MusicBrainz) not the paid providers (GD3, AMG).


          • lotusaurus

            • Feb 2010
            • 3

            Re: In AccurateRip DB but no metadata?

            Thanks - now I understand.

