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accurip.log file ?

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  • ernestk

    • Feb 2008
    • 13

    accurip.log file ?

    don't know how to create this file.
    found that accurip-verification data file in quite a lot posts, tried a lot
    to get this log generated, but with no success.
    i've checked lots eac-versions, from 095b3 -> 0.99pb4, but no rip done
    with eac wrote this log to my hd.
    (maybe this forum ain't the right place for this question but as far as i
    have noticed the accurraterip.dll is maintained by spoon?).
    must have something to do with the submission to accuraterip database.
    maybe this file is getting send in return from the accuraterip database to my pc.....

    how does this work?

    thanks in advance

    an accurip.log looks like this:

    [Verification date: 8/8/2009 1:20:52 PM]
    [Disc ID: 001b583f-010feb40-ab0c980d]
    Pregap length 00:00:33.
    Track [ CRC ] Status
    01 [0463b95b] (15/67) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    02 [73157263] (15/70) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    03 [b48ecfef] (14/66) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    04 [489935d8] (15/70) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    05 [1af7c06f] (15/68) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    06 [5c253302] (13/65) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    07 [c79687c4] (14/65) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    08 [f6056021] (15/65) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    09 [2a6b3b0f] (15/64) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    10 [348f6a43] (13/65) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    11 [01fcd555] (15/65) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    12 [001790f9] (13/63) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
    13 [0a18ae00] (14/66) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) *blooper*2
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: accurip.log file ?

    Looks like cue tools wrote that log, or Foobar.


    • ernestk

      • Feb 2008
      • 13

      Re: accurip.log file ?

      ah, cuetools or foobar? i'll check this.
      thanks spoon

