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File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

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  • pÅrrÅ_dØxx

    • Jan 2010
    • 2

    File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

    Hi, I'm new here (and with dBpoweramp) so I'll try to make this short... but probably fail.

    (A): File AND Tag naming

    I'd like to have the first letter of every word capitalized. In the "DSP Settings Id Tag Processing" section, I have "Capitalization" set to: "Lowercase Except First Letter" and have tried the "Word/Character Replacement" feature but to no avail. They simply do not seem to work. I would like both the FILENAME and the TAG INFO to have this option. My main "Profile" is named "Regular Disc" and contains my preferred naming method which works great for single disc albums with "single word tracks":

    [artist]\[album]\[artist] - [album] - [track] - [title]
    Madonna\Immaculate\Madonna - Immaculate - 05 - Holiday
    However, when the artist and/or album and/or title contain more than one word, PerfectMeta displays this as such:

    Madonna of Venice\Immaculate if Not Miraculous\Madonna of Venice - Immaculate if Not Miraculous - 01 - The Sun is in my Face and it's Too Bright. (example)

    How do I get the bold letters shone in the example above, in uppercase as so?:
    Madonna Of Venice\Immaculate If Not Miraculous\Madonna Of Venice - Immaculate If Not Miraculous - 01 - The Sun Is In My Face And It's Too Bright. (example, lol)

    B) This would also apply to multiple disc albums (non-compilation), where "Immaculate CD1" is shown as filename but "Cd1 is shown in the tag(s)".

    I used to rip all my cds manually - without using the internet; yes, typing every single artist, album, song title and further info in the tags because I have very specific naming preferences. I'd like to use the "Profile" feature to automatically make these alterations. I think I'll simply show how I'd like my filenames & tags to appear.

    Profile: "Multiple Disc (x2)" - would be the same with 3, 4 or more discs
    Madonna\Immaculate (2xCD)\Madonna - Immaculate CD1 - 05 - Holiday
    Madonna\Immaculate (2xCD)\Madonna - Immacualte CD2 - 05 - Holiday Inn

    I also like to add "[Remastered]" or "[Limited Edition]" to albums that are... but I guess I could enter those manually instead of creating a Profile for each of them. Perhaps leaving out the "(2xCD)" and typing that in manually would also be better?!

    Madonna\Immaculate [Remastered]\Madonna - Immaculate [Remastered] - 05 - Holiday

    The thing I'd like to make absolutely certain of is that both FILENAMES & TAGS be exactly the same where possible! As it stands now, I'll have to manually edit every filename and tag info even though I'm using Registered Reference 13.3 with PerfectMeta!!

    Again, love the program but I wish we had more control and/or options over and with regards to file and tag naming. I do apologize for the unneccesarily-long winded post! :o Any and all help will be extemely appreciated.

    Marc S.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

    There is the DSP effect ID Tag Processing which can set the MetaData to capital first (the filename would still have the old value), you could run [arrange audio] later to sync the filename with tags.


    • pÅrrÅ_dØxx

      • Jan 2010
      • 2

      Re: File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

      I'll try that Spoon; thank you!


      • Sossity
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Jan 2010
        • 162

        Re: File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

        Originally posted by pÅrrÅ_dØxx
        Hi, I'm new here (and with dBpoweramp) so I'll try to make this short... but probably fail.

        (A): File AND Tag naming

        I'd like to have the first letter of every word capitalized. In the "DSP Settings Id Tag Processing" section, I have "Capitalization" set to: "Lowercase Except First Letter" and have tried the "Word/Character Replacement" feature but to no avail. They simply do not seem to work. I would like both the FILENAME and the TAG INFO to have this option. My main "Profile" is named "Regular Disc" and contains my preferred naming method which works great for single disc albums with "single word tracks":

        [artist]\[album]\[artist] - [album] - [track] - [title]
        Madonna\Immaculate\Madonna - Immaculate - 05 - Holiday
        However, when the artist and/or album and/or title contain more than one word, PerfectMeta displays this as such:

        Madonna of Venice\Immaculate if Not Miraculous\Madonna of Venice - Immaculate if Not Miraculous - 01 - The Sun is in my Face and it's Too Bright. (example)

        How do I get the bold letters shone in the example above, in uppercase as so?:
        Madonna Of Venice\Immaculate If Not Miraculous\Madonna Of Venice - Immaculate If Not Miraculous - 01 - The Sun Is In My Face And It's Too Bright. (example, lol)

        B) This would also apply to multiple disc albums (non-compilation), where "Immaculate CD1" is shown as filename but "Cd1 is shown in the tag(s)".

        I used to rip all my cds manually - without using the internet; yes, typing every single artist, album, song title and further info in the tags because I have very specific naming preferences. I'd like to use the "Profile" feature to automatically make these alterations. I think I'll simply show how I'd like my filenames & tags to appear.

        Profile: "Multiple Disc (x2)" - would be the same with 3, 4 or more discs
        Madonna\Immaculate (2xCD)\Madonna - Immaculate CD1 - 05 - Holiday
        Madonna\Immaculate (2xCD)\Madonna - Immacualte CD2 - 05 - Holiday Inn

        I also like to add "[Remastered]" or "[Limited Edition]" to albums that are... but I guess I could enter those manually instead of creating a Profile for each of them. Perhaps leaving out the "(2xCD)" and typing that in manually would also be better?!

        Madonna\Immaculate [Remastered]\Madonna - Immaculate [Remastered] - 05 - Holiday

        The thing I'd like to make absolutely certain of is that both FILENAMES & TAGS be exactly the same where possible! As it stands now, I'll have to manually edit every filename and tag info even though I'm using Registered Reference 13.3 with PerfectMeta!!

        Again, love the program but I wish we had more control and/or options over and with regards to file and tag naming. I do apologize for the unneccesarily-long winded post! :o Any and all help will be extemely appreciated.

        Marc S.
        I have been trying to do this exact same thing, in the end I just go in & manually fill in where I want the caps in the dbpoweramp window before I rip. I prefer to get things just how I want before I rip as opposed to after, even if it means manually filling somethings in. Another option is after ripping the album, use mp3tag, this is a free program that can be downloaded, & import your album there. There is a specific action that will do just what you want, I do this sometimes; Quick actions>case conversion>OK>there is a drop down where you can choose file name>mixed letters, then choose title,>Mixed letters.

        this will get your songs how you want them. The case conversion has to be run 2 times; one for the file name, & one for the title. It is tedious, but it works. I too wish there were better controls for this as well in dbpoweramp.


        • KiwiBobs

          • Oct 2008
          • 6

          Re: File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

          I am running the latest Reference version. The Capitalization does not work. For example, it may get the Title right but then if you have multiple Composers, it will lowercase all except the first Composer. Odd bug - this feature must have not been tested.

          Title is the only thing that I most need Capitalization for. What I have found that pressing Alt-M brings up the Meta Data page. One of the providers normally has what I want so I just click on that to get what I want.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

            Have you tried dbpoweramp R14 and R6 DSP effects (both in the beta section of this forum)?


            • toNka64

              • Mar 2007
              • 25

              Re: File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

              Looking to do this as well.
              The DSP option forces everything to lowercase except the first letter.
              It needs to ignore words that are all CAPS though.
              So "The NASA Experiment is Old News" becomes "The NASA Experiment Is Old News" instead of "The Nasa Experiment Is Old News".
              It would be very nice if Spoon can place this option in to the PerfectMeta settings so it can all happen before ripping instead of post processing.
              This would make sure the file is named the same as the meta data.
              Last edited by toNka64; September 16, 2010, 10:38 AM.


              • toNka64

                • Mar 2007
                • 25

                Re: File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

                I've been doing more rips lately and this features is really needed.
                I've been noticing major capitalization inconsistencies with perfect-meta, sometimes even on the same album.
                As an example, let's say the word "in" on track 1 is lowercase but track 7 has the word "In" in the middle of the title and it is uppercase.


                • toNka64

                  • Mar 2007
                  • 25

                  Re: File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

                  Did this feature ever get added?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: File and/or Tag Naming Problems & Unknowns

                    No changes have been made to auto-capitalization.

