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Tagging Problems - AccurateRipResult & Multiple Styles

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  • H-Division

    • Jan 2010
    • 3

    Tagging Problems - AccurateRipResult & Multiple Styles

    Hi all,
    I'm a newcomer to dbpoweramp but I'm very impressed with its features and ease of use (using R13.3). I've had a couple of ripping problems though & can't find anything on the forum that answers them.

    1. Mapping AccurateRipResult.
    During ripping, I want to map this to a tag my library manager will pick-up. I've tried using the 'ID Tag Processing' DSP, where AccurateRipResult is available in the drop-down, but the value isn't written into the new tag. Thinking this might be because the AR result isn't known at the time the DSP is executed I've tried 'Force Non Live' but this makes no difference. I can achieve what I want by using the 'ID Tag Update' "encoder" after ripping but this then requires a two-step process. The problem is independant of codec by the way.

    2. Multiple Styles.
    Again due to library manager limitations, I want multiple styles seperated by semi-colons, not carriage returns (as provided by PerfectMeta). I've tried the 'Character / Word Replacement' option to change {CR} to ';', and this works on the data displayed in the meta window at the bottom of the ripping screen, but with WMA output the actual tag still contains {CR}. With FLAC the semi's are there. Either way, selecting 'Disallow Multi Styles' seems to have no effect, and if 'Style' is mapped to another tag using 'ID Tag Processing', the carriage returns are back even in FLAC files!

    ... confused ...

    I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this I'm ready to rip my whole collection into lossless (wish I'd done that first time around!) but don't want to start until I can get the tags sorted out.

    Thanks in advance for any help!!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Tagging Problems - AccurateRipResult & Multiple Styles

    1. You cannot map it during ripping as it is written at the very end, after the DSP effects.
    2. I created a FLAC file, added a Style Tag and gave it the value: Style1; Style2

    Then looked at the raw tags (you could drop the flac file on notepad) and it is correctly stored as:


    Try R13.4 (in the beta section of the forum, incase this was fixed)


    • H-Division

      • Jan 2010
      • 3

      Re: Tagging Problems - AccurateRipResult & Multiple Styles

      Hi Spoon,

      Thanks for the reply, sorry for taking a little while to get the results back to you but this needed a little bit of experimenting.

      Multiple Styles ... the behaviour doesn't change in R13.4, or with DSP6 for that matter. Essentially, whenever Style contains a "; " (semi & space) combination this is written out to WM/ProviderStyle (in WMA) as a {CR} irrespective of any option settings. For FLAC, the seperate STYLE tags are written as you pointed out. Either way, when the tag is mapped to another, the {CR} entries are back in!! Presumably this isn't the intended behaviour - is it something that will be addressed? Other custom tags can contain "; " without them being changed.

      AccurateRipResult ... I can live without it, but it would have been a nice-to-have - as mentioned I had hoped the 'Force Non Live' would mean that this value was available at the time the DSP was run ... never mind!!

      Thanks again for the quick response.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: Tagging Problems - AccurateRipResult & Multiple Styles

        Sorry, I did not notice you were writing WMA, will check it


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44845

          Re: Tagging Problems - AccurateRipResult & Multiple Styles

          Just looked at the latest WMA codec (here: )

          It tries to store multiple styles the correct way, but in Windows 7 only 1 is saved.


          • H-Division

            • Jan 2010
            • 3

            Re: Tagging Problems - AccurateRipResult & Multiple Styles

            Hi Spoon,

            Thanks again for the replies. I've tried all the suggestions, including the latest WMA codec, and the results don't change (with Vista).

            Basically, the info shown in the 'ID Meta' panel at the bottom of the screen for mutliple styles is ...

            "Style1; Style2; Style3" ..etc.

            When coding to WMA, the tag WM/ProviderStyle tag is only written as "Style1", irrespective of any 'disallow multi style' option.

            When the style tag is mapped to another, this results in the new tag being "Style1{CR}Style2{CR}Style3", and the character / word replacement options won't change this. (This is also true for FLAC).

            Manually removing the space after the semi in the meta window before ripping solves the problem but is obviously a pain! It would be nice to have an option to select how multiple styles are handled in the same way that multiple artists can.

            Here's hoping for a future new feature :smile2:.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44845

              Re: Tagging Problems - AccurateRipResult & Multiple Styles

              >When coding to WMA, the tag WM/ProviderStyle tag is only written as "Style1", irrespective of any 'disallow multi style' option.

              Yes i see this also, the WMA subsystem does not allow this tag to be stored with multiple values.

              Mapping to an unknown tag value would out {CR} between the tags.


              • mville
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Dec 2008
                • 4023

                Re: Tagging Problems - AccurateRipResult & Multiple Styles

                Originally posted by H-Division
                I've tried the 'Character / Word Replacement' option to change {CR} to ';'
                I have tried to do this in R14, but have failed. How did you manage to replace {CR} with ';'?

