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ALBUMARTIST won't remap

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  • homeboy_60

    • Dec 2009
    • 7

    ALBUMARTIST won't remap

    I'm new to dBpoweramp, but long time user of both EAC and foobar2000. I love the AMG metadata feature

    Using CD ripper and trying to remap the metadata tag ALBUMARTIST to ALBUM ARTIST (with a space inbetween), which is how foobar2000 expects to see it. I did search the forums and found these references, but not sure if there is a workaround for what I want to do...
    "...FLAC: if 'AlbumArtist' and 'Album Artist' contain the same item duplicated, it only appears once..."

    and from Wishlist
    "...Problem is that lots of strange programs did write strangest identifiers (ENSEMBLE, ALBUM ARTIST, ...) and currently one could only map the ALBUM ARTIST to ALBUMARTIST..."

    Here is what I am doing...

    Meta Data & ID Tag section
    ALBUM ARTIST selected

    Rip to: Flac

    ID Tag Processing
    Deletions: ALBUMARTIST

    When I look at song properties in foobar2000 I still see the album artist info in the ALBUMARTIST tag and nothing in the ALBUM ARTIST tag. Also, I am remapping several other tags without any issue.

    My current workaround is to use MP3Tag to remap to ALBUM ARTIST, but would prefer to do it in dBpoweramp.

    Please advice and thanks in advance!
    Last edited by homeboy_60; January 09, 2010, 01:41 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: ALBUMARTIST won't remap

    dBpoweramp Configuration >> Codecs >> Advanced

    you set how Album Artist is written for flac here, as dBpoweramp recognizes all the different choices.


    • homeboy_60

      • Dec 2009
      • 7

      Re: ALBUMARTIST won't remap

      Excellent, thank you Spoon!


      • Briain

        • Aug 2008
        • 7

        Re: ALBUMARTIST won't remap


        I use both the Ensemble tag (for Sonos) and the AlbumArtist tag (for Twonky). When I use the music converter (for FLAC->FLAC) it deletes the existing Ensemble tag from the FLAC files. I've just tried changing the above settings, but all I can do is toggle it between wiping the albumartist or the ensemble; is there a way to preserver both values when doing a FLAC-FLAC via the music converter?

        Last edited by Briain; March 16, 2012, 03:56 PM.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44847

          Re: ALBUMARTIST won't remap


          ID Tag Processing
          Map: ALBUMARTIST to Ensemble


          • Briain

            • Aug 2008
            • 7

            Re: ALBUMARTIST won't remap

            Hi Spoon

            Thank you very much indeed for the prompt response. Thanks to your suggestion, I now have it working, but with a slight variation to the one you proposed. I'll type out my findings in full in case someone else searches for the same problem (i.e. someone else who runs both Sonos and Twonky/Linn systems from the one media collection). To restate the issue, I ran a rule in MP3TAG to populate all the Ensemble tags with the information from the albumartist tags (Sonos uses Ensemble instead of albumartist or album artist, so you need both to ensure both system show the same thing). The trouble was when using dBpoweramp to re-FLAC albums, it was deleting the Ensemble tags (so I had to redo them in MP3TAG after the re-FLAC process).

            I first looked at the options available in the FLAC section of dBpoweramp configuration (dBpoweramp Configuration >> Codecs >> Advanced), but all I had were the below three choices (with I've noted what they do in brackets):

            Album Artist to Albumartist (wipes existing ensemble, but this is the on I have it set to as it preserves the albumartist entry)
            Leave as Album Artist (wipes both albumartist and ensemble)
            Album Artist to Ensemble (wipes existing albumartist)

            So I left that set to the first option, then opened up dBpoweramp Music Converter by right-clicking a bunch of FLAC files. This is the stage where you can select to convert to FLAC (even though they are already FLAC) and either tidy up the files (after removing excessive sized embedded images, etc) or you can add the HDCD effect to recover the 20 bit information (and that expands it to 24 bits by padding the last 4 bits of 0's).

            As Spoon suggested, I then added another DSP (i.e. in addition to the HDCD one I had sitting there already) to the music converter pop-up, but when looking at the mapping options, neither albumartist nor ensemble are in the selectable list, so at first I tried typing them manually, but that did not preserve the ensemble field. I then changed the manually typed ALBUMARTIST one to the one from the drop down list (Album Artist) and it worked; both the ALBUMARTIST= and Ensemble= tags are now preserved after the FLAC->FLAC procedure!

            That's excellent as it saves me an additional procedure when sorting (or expanding) my FLAC files!

            Hope the above information helps someone else, some day!

            Kind regards

