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quick way to enter data for WM/OriginalReleaseYear or TORY

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  • sjmac
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Aug 2008
    • 53

    quick way to enter data for WM/OriginalReleaseYear or TORY

    I'd like to enter track years for each track on some of my compilation albums. I've tried entering this information as the "Year" attribute directly in the CD ripper, but this makes Windows Media Player library look very messy because it shows me the album once for each year entered.

    Searching around it seems that WMA and MP3 both support an attribute/field for this: Original Release Year
    The WM/OriginalReleaseYear attribute contains the year during which the content was first released.

    Overview of all available tag fields, their names in Mp3tag, and how they are mapped to the internal structures of the different tag formats. Mp3tag is the universal Tag Editor.

    Is there an easy way to add this data directly in the dpPowerAmp CD Ripper?

    Going to the Meta tab for each track and adding a new field is a lot of typing :-(