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ID3v2 tags?

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  • belwig

    • Dec 2009
    • 2

    ID3v2 tags?

    Hi all, I hope I'm not asking a dumb question but I've searched the FAQ to no avail.

    I just switched PCs to a Win7 machine and downloaded 13.3 Reference via the registered link (I bought it about 3 months ago).

    I ripped my first CD on the new setup (using LAME at 192kbps), and now I notice (via my preferred tag editing tool (Tag&Rename)) that the rips are not getting ID3v2 tags. Only APE and ID3v1.1.

    On my old machine (which was running 13.2 on Vista), for a track I just ripped yesterday, the info popup in Explorer for a track ripped in dbPoweramp says: Contains: Album Art, ID Tag [ID3v2.3 (ANSI)]

    Now on the new machine it says : Contains: Album Art, ID Tag [APEv2 & ID3v1.1].

    I've dug thought the options and I can't seem to find where I can change it to at least write ID3V2 tags.

    Any thoughts? What am I doing wrong?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: ID3v2 tags?

    You need to change the user account to administrator, then open dBpoweramp Configuration >> Codecs >> Advanced (then set to id3v2.3), then switch back to a limited user account.


    • drjenkins

      • Feb 2006
      • 42

      Re: ID3v2 tags?

      Run "dBpoweramp Configuration" and click on the "Codecs" tab. Click on "Advanced Options" and scroll down to "mp3 ID Tagging". Click on "Tag Creation" and select "ID3v2" or "ID3v2 & ID3v1".



      • Wayne
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Aug 2002
        • 1254

        Re: ID3v2 tags?

        You want the Advanced Options available on the codec tab in dBpowerAMP Configuration.


        • belwig

          • Dec 2009
          • 2

          Re: ID3v2 tags?

          Thanks to all who responded. I should have found that configuration app, since its right there in the start menu!

          I thought I would follow up with some additional info in case others have this issue.

          If you're running dbpoweramp as a standard user, running configuration will prompt you for an admin account id and password. When you supply one, it apparently will make changes to THAT user's config, not the standard user. I noticed when I ran it as an admin that ID3v2 was already selected.

          This got me thinking, so I logged out my standard user, logged in as admin and temporarily promoted my standard user to admin. Then I logged in as that user and reran config. This time it just asked for permission to elevate itself, not for an admin id since i'm already an admin. I opened the settings and there it was: the setting for APE and ID3v1. I switched it to what I wanted, logged off, demoted the user from the admin account, and logged back in. All was well!

          Thanks guys for the info!


          • doobre
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • May 2006
            • 64

            Re: ID3v2 tags?

            thanks belwig
            that helped my sort out my issue with some missing tags..

