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Availability of MusicBrainz

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  • adwlogin

    • Sep 2009
    • 3

    Availability of MusicBrainz

    I'm using the Batch Ripper (1.3 Beta) with dBpoweramp 13.3 to rip about 2800 CD's. During the past week or so, I have noticed 2 things. When I am loading CD's, the batch Ripper will wait for Metadata ("Retrieving Metadata" Message) anywhere from 45 seconds to over a minute. It finally acquires the Metadata and continues on. This was definitely longer than I had remembered in the past. So, I exited the Batch Ripper and re ripped a CD with dBpoweramp. I did an Alt-M and saw that Musicbrainz was grayed out. I went back to the Batch Ripper and and unchecked Musicbrainz as a Metadata option. Metadata retrival using the Batch Ripper was almost instantaneous. A little later in the day I used dBpoweramp to rip a single CD.....Musicbrainz was not grayed out and was supplying Metadata! I went back to the Batch Ripper and reenabled Musicbrainz and dis a batch of CD's with without the lengthy "Retrieving Metadata" Message. This seems to be happening on a daily basis now.
    My questions are....Is Musicbrainz that unreliable? often is Metadata actually used from Musicbrainz (would not using it cause a problem).

    I have also experienced another problem and am not sure if it is related or not. Out of every batch of Cd's I rip, I'll get 3 or 4 with no album art. After I complete my batch rip, I'll use dBpoweramp to see if I can get album art by re ripping the cd. I almost all instances, using dBpoweramp alone (not with the Batch Ripper) will retrieve the missing Album Art. Any thoughts on this?

    Thanks for the help.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Availability of MusicBrainz

    Musicbrainz is hosting on a virtual server, which can have stability issues.

    For album art, AMG and GD3 are both used in CD Ripper.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Availability of MusicBrainz

      Anyway see:

      Changes: RipNAS Rack code added SonataDB fix for conductorsort Music Brainz retrieval improvement Able to detect drive names of cd/dvd/br drives with poor firmwares Updated to include support for BluRay drives and Windows 7 Download: 1MB

