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Start-up questions

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  • cdhollan

    • Sep 2009
    • 7

    Start-up questions

    Hi, a few questions/issues I'm running into while starting out on dB. Thanks in advance for your responses.

    BACKGROUND: I am using a late model PC running Vista and attempting to rip my CD collection to AIFF in Ultra Secure. The computer has two media drives: a DVD/CD drive (TSSTcorp - CDDVDW TS-H653Q) and a Blu-Ray/DVD/CD combo drive (HL-DT-ST - BDDVDRW GBC-H20L).

    1) After going through the online set-up instructions for CD Ripper, I'm able to rip without issue on the TSSTcorp drive. However, while the combo drive seems to have no problem identifying the CD, tracks, etc. when I put the disk in the drive, I can't get the combo to rip without error for even a single track, let alone an entire CD. When I move the same CD to the TSSTcorp drive, everything works fine. Any idea what could be going on?? FYI, AccurateRip recognizes the combo drive and I've used several key discs "successfully" to calculate the same offset (+667 samples, +2668 bytes).

    2) Not sure I completely understand the Meta button. I have had most meta-data successfully autofill, but when I click for manual meta review, I'm presented only with pre-filled boxes on the left side of the screen; AMG, GD3, Music Brainz and freeb buttons are at the top of the other columns, but the buttons are grayed out and contain no info below them. Is this abnormal, or does this screen only become useful if there is a discrepancy between the data sources?

    3) In the Batch Ripper application, I'm assuming that both the general and drive settings for each drive in the CD Ripper app are used, correct? I just feel like I'm flying blind when I don't see track-by-track progress in the Batch Ripper...

    Thanks much!

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Start-up questions

    How are the errors reported for the combo drive? accuraterip miss-match?


    • cdhollan

      • Sep 2009
      • 7

      Re: Start-up questions

      Not positive how that type of error is indicated. Here is what's happening: using the recommended settings from set-up, each track goes first through a full rip, then a full UltraSecure (1), then a full UltraSecure (2) before giving an error under rip status with an X in front of it. Goes through every track on the CD like that, with an identical "X Error".


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Start-up questions

        Disable c2 if it is enabled.


        • cdhollan

          • Sep 2009
          • 7

          Re: Start-up questions

          Works! Thanks! So apparently the drive must not have C2?

          Any thoughts on *blooper*2 or *blooper*3?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Start-up questions

            3. Meta Review shows the individual meta providers, so you can manually select one or pull bits from one or the other.

            Batch Ripper used CD Ripper underneath, right click on a drive to show the ripping.


            • cdhollan

              • Sep 2009
              • 7

              Re: Start-up questions

              2 - So, for Batch Ripper, right clicking shows the menu, but clicking on "Show Ripper" does nothing. The menu just goes away like nothing happened, and no ripper opens.

              3 - I understand what it's supposed to do, but when I <Alt> - M, four of the five columns are blank and the buttons for the different sources are grayed out. Is that right??

              Thanks again!


              • sredmyer
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • May 2008
                • 186

                Re: Start-up questions

                Originally posted by cdhollan
                2 - So, for Batch Ripper, right clicking shows the menu, but clicking on "Show Ripper" does nothing. The menu just goes away like nothing happened, and no ripper opens.
                The CD Ripper window does come up but it is behind the Batch Ripper window and has no task bar button. To see it move the Batch Ripper window or simply minimize it. Took me awhile to figure this one out too :smile2:

                Originally posted by cdhollan
                3 - I understand what it's supposed to do, but when I <Alt> - M, four of the five columns are blank and the buttons for the different sources are grayed out. Is that right??
                Check be sure you are not using the dbpoweramp Cache as the only meta data source. In CD Ripper when you click the little down arrow next to the Meta button a menu appears. This menu shows which meta providers are selected. Any providers which are not selected will be greyed out on the Manual Match screen.

                Hope this helps,


                • cdhollan

                  • Sep 2009
                  • 7

                  Re: Start-up questions

                  Number 2 - perfect, there it is! Thanks!

                  Number 3 - All are checked (and were checked when I wrote the previous post). However, per my above posts, the buttons are grayed I don't think that's it. Any other idea?



                  • sredmyer
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • May 2008
                    • 186

                    Re: Start-up questions

                    Originally posted by cdhollan
                    Number 3 - All are checked (and were checked when I wrote the previous post). However, per my above posts, the buttons are grayed I don't think that's it.
                    The only other thing I can think of would be if the computer is not connected to the internet. I do not know for sure but I can imagine that the results you are seeing would happen if there were no internet connection.


                    • cdhollan

                      • Sep 2009
                      • 7

                      Re: Start-up questions

                      Yeah, that was all that crossed my mind, too...but obviously it is, since I'm this on it right now while streaming Pandora Radio, etc. Thanks, though.

                      Spoon, any thoughts?


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Start-up questions

                        It might mean that that exact disc is not in the database, for popular discs are all 4 filled in?


                        • cdhollan

                          • Sep 2009
                          • 7

                          Re: Start-up questions

                          Wish that were it, but it has happened for every single disc I've put through it, incl some very popular ones. Is it possible that some software isn't registered? Or any other ideas?


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: Start-up questions

                            Look in dBpoweramp Configuration and make sure the Perfect Meta license is active (where the registration status is).

