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EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

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  • SojiOkita

    • Jan 2010
    • 11

    Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3


    I used EAC for a long time...
    I discovered dbPowerAmp a few days ago.
    It is a lot faster, and has more options about metadata, tagging, and dynamic filenaming.

    So, when a CD is in the AccurateRip database, I rip it with dbPowerAmp.

    But when the CD is not in the AccurataRip database... I wonder if I can use dbPowerAmp safely...

    EAC tells me when it found mistakes.... and tells me where. Does dbPowerAmp have the same functionnality?
    Last edited by SojiOkita; January 09, 2010, 03:52 PM.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44845

      Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

      Yes if you enable secure mode, see the ripping guide:



      • SojiOkita

        • Jan 2010
        • 11

        Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

        In fact the feature I miss is when EAC says "suspicious rip from 2:31 to 2:35" so you can check the rip focussing on the real problems.

        Apart from that, for my opinion it's a tie in rip quality between EAC and dbPowerAmp, with the (huge) advantages of speed and tag management in dbPowerAmp.

        So here's my "workflow":
        - I rip with dbPowerAmp, for 95% of CDs, all tracks are AccurateRip
        - sometimes the CD is not in AccurateRip database (or is a different press that the one in AccurateRip database) but gives secure results for all tracks
        - sometimes only one or two track are secure and the other ones are Accurate -> suspicious, I give a try with EAC for those tracks, sometimes I got an accurate rip... most times I got the same as dbPowerAmp, with the same CRC.
        - when the CD is really damages... none of the programs can do anything...
        Last edited by SojiOkita; January 19, 2010, 08:57 PM.


        • SojiOkita

          • Jan 2010
          • 11

          Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

          Originally posted by SojiOkita
          In fact the feature I miss is when EAC says "suspicious rip from 2:31 to 2:35" so you can check the rip focussing on the real problems.
          In fact you can have nearly the same information with dbPowerAmp...
          I didn't see there was several options for the information log.


          • Tig

            • Jan 2010
            • 17

            Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

            Originally posted by SojiOkita
            In fact the feature I miss is when EAC says "suspicious rip from 2:31 to 2:35" so you can check the rip focussing on the real problems.
            Originally posted by SojiOkita
            In fact you can have nearly the same information with dbPowerAmp...
            I didn't see there was several options for the information log.
            Yes, I've noticed this too. If you set the logs to "Detailed" it will show time indexes of suspcious rips. If you set it to "Complete", it will not. It will only show the c2 error pointer info and other technical error stuff without the track time indexes. It would be nice if the "Complete" log setting would show the time indexes in tracks where errors are found.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44845

              Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

              Complete should be everything in the log, but you are saying only Detailed has it?


              • Tig

                • Jan 2010
                • 17

                Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

                Originally posted by Spoon
                Complete should be everything in the log, but you are saying only Detailed has it?
                Sorry, my mistake. Logs set to "Complete" does actually log the track time index on each line where an error occured. Logs set to "Detailed" shows on one line the start to end time indexes such as "Insecure Audio from 00:43:23 - 1:24:14".


                • lsquare

                  • Mar 2010
                  • 2

                  Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

                  Originally posted by Spoon
                  Yes if you enable secure mode, see the ripping guide:

                  Hi Spoon,

                  Thanks for providing a guide to use with dbpoweramp. I'm wondering which version do I need to securely and acccurately rip my CDs? I have no intentions of burning. I just need the best version to use with my original Plextor Premium CDRW to rip my CDs perfectly.



                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44845

                    Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3




                    • lsquare

                      • Mar 2010
                      • 2

                      Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      Uh, in other words, you're telling me to get the reference version then?


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44845

                        Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

                        That is your choice to make


                        • Teknojnky
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Dec 2006
                          • 323

                          Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

                          I said it before, and I'll say it again. The tiered feature structure you've made of dbpoweramp is a confusing and bad system.


                          • EliC
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • May 2004
                            • 1175

                            Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

                            Its clear spoon has sold many powerpacks in the past with free lifetime upgrades. There are new features and advancements that were well beyond what the powerpack ever offered or was intended to offer, and spoon feels warrant additional charges, so it required a new/different tier. It may not be perfectly clear, but nor is it to complex.


                            • Cad

                              • May 2005
                              • 9

                              Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

                              I can't believe that no-one else has mentioned my number one most important (and to my knowledge, unique) feature of dbPowerAmp in this thread.

                              I refer to the Silence Removal feature of Power Pack. I could not live without this! I don't know of any other ripper which can ACCURATELY remove ALL silence at start/end of tracks, other than by the crude method of 'remove the last n seconds of each track' (UGH!).

                              Or does everyone else here not mind wasting the disk space for the 2+ seconds at the end of EVERY track they have ripped? It DOES all add up.

                              As to EAC v dbPowerAmp, no contest IMHO. No version of EAC has been able to correctly rip some of my more damaged CDs without error, while dbPowerAmp CAN do so. Admittedly, it has in the past taken dbPowerAmp up to an hour (or more!) for the most damaged ones, but it DOES eventually get there.


                              • Teknojnky
                                dBpoweramp Guru

                                • Dec 2006
                                • 323

                                Re: EAC vs dBpoweramp 13.3

                                I could see that remove silence might be useful when converting to LOSSY for use in portable or other situations.

                                But I would expect that most people who use dbpoweramp (or eac) are more concerned with having an ACCURATE rip which includes any included silence.

                                When you remove silence, you no longer have a lossless, accurate rip, at least compared to the source.

