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Error ripping to Wave - Unable to read CD, check CD disc

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  • 4Thomas

    • Jul 2009
    • 4

    Error ripping to Wave - Unable to read CD, check CD disc

    Many of the CDs I want to rip would not do so with the below error message. I was able to rip the below mentioned CD once but not a second time (with labeling changed and after having deleted the first version from the HD). It does not even work in burst mode anymore (First successfull attempt was in Ultra Secure mode). The CD is brand new. DBpoeramp can read the CD and display tracks etc, WMP plays the music from it, so there should not be a severe reading problem in general. Can anybody please help make this work. Thanks a lot.

    Error ripping to Wave, 'Track 1' to 'F:\Music\Herbie Hancock\Maiden Voyage\Herbie Hancock - 01 - Maiden Voyage.wav'
    Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 0 ripping 26 frames track end LBA 35782) [clRipperSecure::Rip]
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Error ripping to Wave - Unable to read CD, check CD disc

    ** This is your CD drive failing to read anything from the CD, it is not a common error, but one where your CD drive is saying there is no chance of reading that disc.

    I have put ** next to it, because it is the first LBA which is failing, which is suspicious, perhaps something is installed and stopping the ripping of CDs?


    • 4Thomas

      • Jul 2009
      • 4

      Re: Error ripping to Wave - Unable to read CD, check CD disc

      thanks for the quick answer Spoon. What makes me curiousif not a setting or something else is wrong is that dbpoweramp can read the disc, titels etc. and was able to rip it one or twice. In addition I have no problem reading, playing and writing CDs using WMP or EAC (with Accurate Rip) and yet other programs. Would you reckon an other cd drive would help ?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Error ripping to Wave - Unable to read CD, check CD disc

        Before that, in Secure Setting disable C2 Error pointers, FUA cache disable and over-read options.

