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adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

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  • Aether

    • Jun 2009
    • 7

    adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files


    I have ripped many cds so far but not all have the cover picture added so far. Dbpoweramp is storing the cover picture if there is one supplied over the internet as folder.jpg. This file is stored in the folder where the music files are put.

    It is fairly easy to add this file later using a scanned picture or whatever.

    Now there is one unanswered question:

    when having ripped several CDs of the same artist, for example 3 CDs by Joe Cocker. The files of all 3 cds are stored in the same subfolder called Joe Cocker. But there is only one file "folder.jpg" to be found in this subfolder although there shoud be 3 of them , each for every Joe Cocker album. When playing the files using squeezecenter, all three Album covers are displayed correctly. SO the cover picture must be somewhere. But where does dbpoweramp actually store these additional files ? In the folder itself as already said, there is only one of the three. Can anybody help ?

    Thank you.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

    These 3 CDs have the same album name?


    • Wayne
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Aug 2002
      • 1254

      Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

      Your posting implies that you store all the tracks for an artist in the same folder rather than having a different subfolder for each album. e.g. Joe Cocker\ as opposed to Joe Cocker\<album name>\ Is this correct?

      If this is the case I assume that the squeezecentre is picking up the album art embedded in the actual files themselves rather than the folder.jpg file.
      Last edited by Wayne; June 24, 2009, 08:50 AM.


      • Aether

        • Jun 2009
        • 7

        Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

        Originally posted by Spoon
        These 3 CDs have the same album name?

        No they haven't. dbpoweramp has created one folder in this case named Joe Cocker, and all music files of the three Joe Cocker cds have been placed in this folder. There is one folder.jpg file. When playing, the three different covers are displayed correctly for each track. But I don't know where thge other two picture files are stored, so I cannot add them in the cases of other albums later after ripping.


        • Aether

          • Jun 2009
          • 7

          Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

          Originally posted by Wayne
          Your posting implies that you store all the tracks for an artist in the same folder rather than having a different subfolder for each album. e.g. Joe Cocker\ as opposed to Joe Cocker\<album name>\ Is this correct?

          If this is the case I assume that the squeezecentre is picking up the album art embedded in the actual files themselves rather than the folder.jpg file.
          @ wayne

          yes that sounds as an explanation. It was the dbpoweramp default setting though to store the files like that, I did not create that myself. In addition I did not know, that the cover was stored within the files as well.

          MMh. Maybe I should change this whole arrangement to use separate subfolders for each album.
          I would probably have to rerip all these CDs again. :cry:

          Thats not good. Are there any workarounds ?

          Thank you for your help.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44847

            Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

            If you have R13.2 then set the naming to 'Default' as this includes the album name now (did not previously for R12).


            • Aether

              • Jun 2009
              • 7

              Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

              Originally posted by Spoon
              If you have R13.2 then set the naming to 'Default' as this includes the album name now (did not previously for R12).
              thanks, but although I have got 13.2, there is no such thing as "default". I have used:saving in dynamic artist folder under coded settings: [artist]\[album]\[artist] - [title]

              I still have to find out what happens now with compilation or double CD albums. I am testing right now. Looks like I will have to rerip the already finished cds, 2 weeks of work gone. I am not amused.
              Thank you anyway.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44847

                Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

                CD Ripper >> Naming (click Set) >> Click Default

                Which gives:

                [IFCOMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],Various Artists[]\[album]\[track] [artist][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album]\[artist] - [track][] - [title]

                Which puts in the artist\album folder by default.


                • Wayne
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Aug 2002
                  • 1254

                  Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

                  I would probably have to rerip all these CDs again.
                  Not necessary. You could use the utility codec "Arrange Audio" which uses the tag information in the individual files to reorganise them. All the various codecs can be found at Codec Central


                  • Aether

                    • Jun 2009
                    • 7

                    Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    CD Ripper >> Naming (click Set) >> Click Default

                    Which gives:

                    [IFCOMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],Various Artists[]\[album]\[track] [artist][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album]\[artist] - [track][] - [title]

                    Which puts in the artist\album folder by default.
                    @ spoon

                    thanks again, but the naming line is shaded out in my case, nothing to click. I am using Multiencoder with flac and mp3 and in the settings of each encoder there is no default button. I have this: output location with three buttons:Original folder, folder, dynamic.
                    shall I put your string ( [IFCOMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],Various Artists[]\[album]\[track] [artist][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album]\[artist] - [track][] - [title]) in the Dynamic field manually ?

                    I think the reason the naming setting in the bottom left window is shaded out, because of the Multiencoder, correct ?.

                    Thanks again, we are getting there.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44847

                      Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

                      Yes multi encoder has its own naming rules, away from CD Ripper (it might not even be run from CD Ripper, rather from Music Converter its self).

                      You could paste that line into multi-encoder.


                      • LtData
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • May 2004
                        • 8288

                        Re: adding album cover pictures later to already ripped files

                        You probably have the album art embedded in the files, hence how the player is able to pull the correct art.

