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Flac 24bit/96khz Problem ---> Coreconverter

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    • Jun 2009
    • 2

    Flac 24bit/96khz Problem ---> Coreconverter

    i'm using newest dbpoweramp cd ripper. ripping my audio cds to flac 8 wasn't problem until i tryed to rip them to 24bit flac with 96khz. now i after CPU1 encoding get for some songs (half of them) this warning:

    dbpoweramp coreconverter has stopped working.

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: CoreConverter.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 49d23e9a
    Fault Module Name: Resample.dll
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4813075e
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 0000a0d3
    OS Version: 6.0.6001.
    Locale ID: 1050
    Additional Information 1: 0af5
    Additional Information 2: a3b0a8b7f752137f09f09aa1d58aa304
    Additional Information 3: f3e1
    Additional Information 4: aaca65683e27787c3893f3addc5b6d7d

    don't know will this help........

    and after that i can play that song in my aimp2 player but it doesn't show time and time line isn't moving.
    i'm using this DSP effects: bit depth and resample.
    please tell me is there anything that can help me with this problem and are there any other programs that can rip 24bit/96khz flacs? :vmad:
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Flac 24bit/96khz Problem ---> Coreconverter


    Changes: Bug Fix: Resample would corrupt the audio if converting from and to the same frequencies (ie not resampling) Download: <edited> 3.4MB

    As an aside, why rip to 24bit / 96KHz instead of 16bit, 44KHz?



      • Jun 2009
      • 2

      Re: Flac 24bit/96khz Problem ---> Coreconverter

      Originally posted by Spoon

      Changes: Bug Fix: Resample would corrupt the audio if converting from and to the same frequencies (ie not resampling) Download: <edited> 3.4MB

      As an aside, why rip to 24bit / 96KHz instead of 16bit, 44KHz?
      i first started to listen songs in mp3 format. my mp3 player had small capacity so i converted them to 112kbps. by time i bought mp3 player with bigger memory so i listened to 320kbps. difference was big!!!!!!!!! now i have sansa fuze 8 gb on which i can play flac files. and difference between mp3 320kbps and flac ~1000kbps is huge!!!!! so for me memory files that are bigger sound better. i know that when i convert songs from 16/44.1 into 32/96 in theory don't get better sound. but i red somewhere that our ears can convert higher frequencies into lower and we get richer sound. maybe that's why i can hear bats screaming in the night? :smile2:

      your link wasn't helpful:

      Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
      Application Name: CoreConverter.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp: 49d23e9a
      Fault Module Name: Resample.dll
      Fault Module Version:
      Fault Module Timestamp: 49cea5ac
      Exception Code: c0000005
      Exception Offset: 0000a0f3
      OS Version: 6.0.6001.
      Locale ID: 1050
      Additional Information 1: 0af5
      Additional Information 2: a3b0a8b7f752137f09f09aa1d58aa304
      Additional Information 3: 615f
      Additional Information 4: 8696e431fb0a90bd3a585526948a93bb
      Last edited by HAMMERFALL; June 23, 2009, 09:12 AM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: Flac 24bit/96khz Problem ---> Coreconverter

        You have located a 'bug' which will be looked at as soon as we can.

        Converting 44Khz CD >> 96Khz might not have the results you desire, you are not creating any extra high frequencies because they did not exist (22Khz is the upper frequency form 44khz.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44845

          Re: Flac 24bit/96khz Problem ---> Coreconverter

          Fixed in latest R5 DSP Effects

