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Is adding ReplayGain "album gain" using post-rip process still the way to go?

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  • VernonAMiller

    • Jun 2009
    • 3

    Is adding ReplayGain "album gain" using post-rip process still the way to go?

    First of all, thanks to Spoon for an excellent product, and to all of the forum contributors for helping us all understand how to best use it!

    After reading loads of posts on ReplayGain, it seems that there's work underway to get the ReplayGain DSP effect "Calculate Album Gain" to work better during ripping (CD Ripper). Until that's done, the suggestion was to process the albums post-ripping with Batch Converter using the ReplayGain utility codec.

    Is that still the case in dbpoweramp R13.2 with DSP Effects R4?

    I am currently using Multi Encoder R3 in CD Ripper to encode to "FLAC only", "FLAC+MP3" or "FLAC+ALAC", depending on the type of album. Each encoder calls ReplayGain DSP Effect to set "Track Gain". Do you know of any problems or gotchas with setting ReplayGain "Track Gain" in this way with the FLAC, MP3 (Lame) or Apple Lossless encoders (latest versions of each as of today's date)?

    Finally, I currently also have "Calculate Album Gain" enabled in each encoder's options. Since I'm going to be post-processing to apply "album gain" anyway, is there any reason you can think of why I should not turn it off in the Multi Encoder?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Is adding ReplayGain "album gain" using post-rip process still the way to go?

    With multi-encoder yes do replaygain post encoding.

