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Ripped FLAC files go missing

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  • goberre

    • May 2009
    • 7

    Ripped FLAC files go missing

    I'm baffled again and need help.
    I am using dBpoweramp Reference Release 13.2 on a XP Pro SP3 PC and laptop to rip my CD collection to a 500Gb Transcend StoreJet 2.5 USB hard drive. On two (out of about 30) ripping sessions the files have gone missing.
    Both times I have had "after encoding verify written audio" switched on and I have been monitoring this USB drive J in Windows Explorer while ripping which showed that dBpoweramp has been creating the correct folders and the FLAC files appear. However when I reconnect the StoreJet to my PC or laptop for the next session of ripping the folders or files do not appear in Windows Explorer and searching all my drives does not find them. dBpoweramp appears to know that it has ripped them as, when I rip them again, it remembers the changes I made to the meta data the first time.
    Firstly I would like to know if there is a ripping log in dBpoweramp that I could check to give me a clue as to what has gone wrong.
    Second I would like to know what "after encoding verify written audio" does because it did not report an error even though the files appear to have not been written to the USB drive.
    This ripping task is massive as I have over 1500 CDs and I need to know that when I spend an evening ripping I am not going to have to rip them again. Also the disruption to my ripping sequence is very time consuming making sure I have not missed a CD.

    Help please,
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Ripped FLAC files go missing

    Are you doing a safe removal of the drive?, when you try to re-rip them dbpoweramp does not ask to overwrite the existing?


    • goberre

      • May 2009
      • 7

      Re: Ripped FLAC files go missing

      Thanks for that Spoon,

      Yes always do safe removal of the drive.

      I have identified the problem after losing my third day of ripping. During the day I rip at the office and in the evening I rip on the laptop at home. It is a DOS problem as at bedtime if I leave the USB drive plugged in and shut the laptop with Windows Explorer still running, then unplug the USB drive in the morning and rip all day at the office things are fine until I get home. If I plug in the USB drive and open the laptop with Windows Explorer still running it has the night before's directory tree in it which does not match the directory tree on the drive as there is another days ripping on there. For some reason Windows Explorer seems to overwrite the tree on the USB drive with what it is displaying i.e. last nights tree.

      Just got to make sure the laptop is running and Windows Explorer is closed before plugging in the USB drive so that when Windows Expoler is started it reads the current tree on the USB drive.

      PS I have a registered copy of dbpoweramp reference 13.2 on the PC in the office and a trial version on the laptop, but the trial period is about to run out. Does my liscence allow me to install dbpoweramp reference 13.2 on the laptop also?



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: Ripped FLAC files go missing

        We say for 2 PCs (as long as they are not used at the same time), yes you can.

