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Inaccurate+Secure with C2 enabled, but Accurate without C2 and 8x Speed 2nd Pass

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  • username

    • May 2009
    • 5

    Inaccurate+Secure with C2 enabled, but Accurate without C2 and 8x Speed 2nd Pass

    I have a CD in my collection that when I rip in Secure mode with C2 Error Pointers enabled results in an Inaccurate/Secure rip (multiple re-rips confirm the same CRC set). Which led me to believe it was probably different pressing.

    I was messing around with settings because I wanted to see if I got the same CRC set when slowing down the drive. Turns out I cant do this for the 1st pass. I have to disable C2 Error Pointers and slow down the second pass. So I did.

    To my surprise the rip (previously Inaccurate/Secure) started coming out Accurate!

    I guess my question is, with C2 Error Pointers enabled, how is it possible that can DBPA report that an entire CD has ripped securely, with the same CRC set again and again, when they're obviously bad rips (they don't match the AccurateRip CRC despite being the same pressing - evidence is I can get an AccurateRip CRC match if I re-rip at low speed)?

    I wish I could slow down the 1st pass while leaving C2 Error pointers enabled.

    Drive is an Asus DRW-1814BLT, DBPA reports C2 support after testing.
  • username

    • May 2009
    • 5

    Re: Inaccurate+Secure with C2 enabled, but Accurate without C2 and 8x Speed 2nd Pass

    I've now tested some other previous rips that were Secure and either Inaccurate or not in the AR database.

    Some of the tracks now report a different CRC at low speed. They are marked secure and report the same CRC over and over. If I rip at high speed they are again marked secure but report a different CRC over and over!

    How can this be? :shocked:


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Inaccurate+Secure with C2 enabled, but Accurate without C2 and 8x Speed 2nd Pass

      The drive might be self getting a different offset, so the data is error free, but is offset by a number of samples (we have seen this before), it is a fault of the drive, especially if multiple 'bad' rips all have the same crc.


      • username

        • May 2009
        • 5

        Re: Inaccurate+Secure with C2 enabled, but Accurate without C2 and 8x Speed 2nd Pass

        Okay, that makes sense, thanks Spoon

        I'll try ripping on a drive in a different machine to compare.

