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Small bug: Compilation- & other perfect meta bug

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  • dvdr
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2008
    • 235

    Small bug: Compilation- & other perfect meta bug


    Just a small thing to maybe correct, when possible.
    in the perfect meta review window, when manually changing things, the following happens

    - when unchecking (or checking) the compilation checkbox, this change is not brought to the main window. There, it stays like perfect meta has initially set it. I again have to change it manually in the main window

    - sometimes, when changing all values to a different provider by clicking the top "name" symbol (for example GD3 instead of freedb or the perfect "meta mixture") only the values for the "visible fields" in the lefthand scrollbox are filled in. If you have more titles than the left window allows to display and you scroll down, then the upcoming values are the old ones and do not match the "global change"-click you just did.

    A suggestion for the HDCD-Plugin: right now, it seems to analyze each track in its entirety, whether it is HDCD or not, which slows down the encoding process quite a lot, even if it's just a simple 44.1/16 file. So leaving HDCD-Plugin globally active in your DSP-section is not a good idea in terms of encoding speed... Is there a way to just let the plugin check the first few seconds of a file instead of the whole file to find out, whether it is HDCD and if not, just be bypassed? Just an idea....
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Small bug: Compilation- & other perfect meta bug

    It would be possible to do as ask with HDCD but it would not be elegant to do so, the checking of the whole file is quite quick (it is the rendering the whole file to temporary uncompressed which is the slow part, and that would always need to be done).

