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AMG Data Issues

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  • Sugar Magnolia
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Dec 2008
    • 106

    AMG Data Issues

    I'm a newbie with DBPA and AMG. I'd been under the impression that AMG was going to be the ultimate in data.

    Playing with DBPA, I have put three discs through it. 75% of them had incorrect data.

    The first, only the CD title was incorrect on AMG. GD3 and FDDB had the correct title. (Allman Bros "IRSA Benefit")

    2nd: AMG was missing the composer and title of the last track. All else was good. GD3 and FDDB both had the correct track name. This entry was correct at the AMG website. (Jefferson Starship "Freedom At Point Zero")

    3rd: This is the most interesting one. It is a one disc collection from BOC, "On Flame With Rock And Roll". AMG, GD3, and FDDB all Listed it incorrectly as Disc 2 (it is a one disc CD). AMG had the incorrect tracks listed. FDDB and GD3 had the correct tracks. It had the incorrect CD art. AMG Website only shows a 1 disc version of this with the correct art. AMG has another BOC collection "BOC [Platinum Compilation]" that is a 2 disc set. Disc 1 is the same tracks as "On Flame with Rock and Roll". The disc 2 tracks are the tracks the the AMG data returned for the only disc of "On Flame...". The artwork from the 2 disc set is the art the AMG data returned for the single disc collection. I'll try to attach a screenshot of this.

    In all of the cases above, my edition was listed under 'releases' on the AMG site.

    Is this typical of AMG? I was expecting rock solid data. I know this is too small a sample to represent what the success will be for my much larger collection.

    Is there a config on DBPA that would make AMG data more accurate?

    Thanks, Pete
  • bhoar
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Sep 2006
    • 1173

    Re: AMG Data Issues


    I've read in the past, though my memory may be fuzzy and I have it reversed, that GD3 may be better than AMG at non-popular music (e.g. classical/jazz). Some ripping companies would separate out the collection into pop vs classical/jazz and use different metadata providers. Your evidence of course contradicts the memory so I may have it reversed.

    If GD3 had been used instead of AMG and/or Perfectmeta, what would the results have been like?



    • Sugar Magnolia
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Dec 2008
      • 106

      Re: AMG Data Issues


      GD3 would have been correct 75% and less incorrect on the one it was incorrect on, calling the single disc collection "Disc 2". Songs were correct.

      It looks like only AMG supports composer, at least for pop/rock. My player (Sonos) supports this feild and i think this will be the driver for me to use AMG over GD3.



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44843

        Re: AMG Data Issues

        PerfectMeta should be able to self correct mistakes, but as you say, composer is only in 1 database...

        Press ALT + M after metadata is returned to quickly correct mistakes manually - click on the correct item (such as track 1 title for freedb to use that value).


        • llumy

          • Dec 2008
          • 9

          Re: AMG Data Issues

          I seen some results that I would consider odd also. This screen shot that shows a good example:

          In this case AMG had "Various Artists" listed for each artist, and the 2 other sources (GD3 & FreeDB) had the correct artists name. However, it defaulted to using AMG data instead.

          I was able to correct this with the Alt-M option, but I do wonder why AMG was favored when multiple other sources were correct?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44843

            Re: AMG Data Issues

            GD3 was once filled from freedb, so gd3 & freedb will not overrule AMG, any other combination (MB & freedb, or MD & GD3) will overrule AMG. Looking at the screenshot GD3 and freedb are identical, even down to capital letters, so that result came from freedb only (ignore the genre).


            • llumy

              • Dec 2008
              • 9

              Re: AMG Data Issues


              Thanks! I suspected there was a logical reason behind it, even if it isn't clear looking at the screen. So in this case, while the result is frustrating as AMG was wrong, the logic of why it chose AMG makes sense.



              • bhoar
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Sep 2006
                • 1173

                Re: AMG Data Issues

                Originally posted by llumy

                Thanks! I suspected there was a logical reason behind it, even if it isn't clear looking at the screen. So in this case, while the result is frustrating as AMG was wrong, the logic of why it chose AMG makes sense.

                Are you also using MB or was it not filled in because there was no match?


