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Question on "clean passes" in ultrasecure when c2 is enabled.

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  • bhoar
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Sep 2006
    • 1173

    Question on "clean passes" in ultrasecure when c2 is enabled.

    In the Secure options dialog, the second to last item "End After Clean Passes #" uses the term "clean passes".

    In the help file, the meaning of the word "clean" in this context is never explained...:

    Ultra Secure (dBpoweramp Reference required) extends the normal 2 pass reading to a programmable number of passes, this can help detect errors or verify the single c2 pass is error free. Depending upon your drive:
        * Drive Supports c2 error pointers well enable Ultra Secure with Minimum 1, Maximum 6 and End after 1.
        * Drive Supports c2, but badly enable Ultra Secure with Minimum 2, Maximum 6 and End after 2.
        * Drive does not support c2 enable Ultra Secure with Minimum 3, Maximum 6 and End after 2.
    So, it is not clear to me what the definition of a "clean pass" is when c2 is enabled.

    Is it:

    a. - an ultra pass that reported zero c2 error flags (c2 error flags were requested), regardless of data?
    b. - an ultra pass where the data matched, exactly, a previous pass (c2 error flags were requested, but the flags ignored in comparing ultra passes...perhaps flags kept track of for rerips)?
    c. - an ultra pass where the data matched, exactly, a previous pass (c2 error flags not requested at all)?
    d. - something else?

    I ask because I never seem to go above the minimum ultra passes, no matter how damaged the disc is, even when a lot of c2 errors are flagged.
    e.g., Min=3, Max=6, EndAfter=3, I never see more than three ultra passes on my super damaged test disc, even if the track has 80 frames to rerip.
    Wait, I take that back partly. I only see more than 3 passes very rarely. When the final number of frame rerips is in the several hundreds, I start seeing 4 to 6 ultra passes happen.

    "a" seems unlikely, because I'm seeing dozens/scores/hundreds of c2-flagged rerips on most tracks of this disc.

    Last edited by bhoar; December 17, 2008, 09:39 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Question on "clean passes" in ultrasecure when c2 is enabled.

    Clean means no new errors detected.


    • bhoar
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Sep 2006
      • 1173

      Re: Question on "clean passes" in ultrasecure when c2 is enabled.

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Clean means no new errors detected.
      "No new errors" is still somewhat unclear, because "error" is loosely defined in this realm.

      To clarify, I suppose "clean pass" means either:

      1. No frames detected in this pass with novel content that does not match the same position frame in *any* one of the previous passes. e.g. Pass 3 could give results that are a mix of frames matching either pass 1 and pass 2 and would then be considered clean?

      2. No frames with new c2 error flags on sub-frames that had not been seen before.

      3. Either of the above.



      PS - I know it's unlikely you'd see a new C2 flag if the corresponding data returned wasn't different...but it's not entirely impossible.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Question on "clean passes" in ultrasecure when c2 is enabled.

        It is 1.


        • bhoar
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2006
          • 1173

          Re: Question on "clean passes" in ultrasecure when c2 is enabled.

          Originally posted by Spoon
          It is 1.
          Thanks spoon.


