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How to edit (store) previously ripped CDs ??

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  • MarkDee

    • Oct 2008
    • 13

    How to edit (store) previously ripped CDs ??

    Hello all -- new here but been reading for a bit...

    Sorry if I haven't done enough research here but I'm tired after all the work I've done to understand "dynamic artist naming..." (!)

    Here's my dilemma -- I'm convinced DbPAmp beats my previously solutions. I've been ripping and saving in native .wav format for years. [ after 25 years in the IT business I could predict the current situation for storage costs and didn't want to lose a bit (!) ]

    Now I've finally found the program that works for my simple requirements. I've got thousands of songs I love (I'm also a musician myself...) and I'm not hung up on every nuance of 100+ tags regarding each date of recording, the color on the wall in the studio, etc..

    The problem is this -- now that I'm doing a "final cleanup" of my network (moving all machines to 64bit Vista, QCore CPUs, etc) I'm discovering that I have lots of native .wav files that have varying file/name structures.

    $64K question: how do I integrate these into my final repository which requires consistent treatment?

    FYI -- I utilize the SlimDevice hardware/software to access and sychronize music across my house from multiple hard-wired Gigabit network ports.

    I've explored MediaMonkey, am an old MediaCenter (JRiver) user and am open to any idea that supports my original archive of .wav files with easy access to a variety of LossLess formats -- "the sound is the deal..."

    / Thanks to anyone who responds
  • MarkDee

    • Oct 2008
    • 13

    Re: How to edit (store) previously ripped CDs ??

    Honestly folks, I've spent a lot of time here reading about things like...

    [IFCOMP]\V[]\Various Artists[]\[album][IFMULTI] - Disc [disc].[disc_total[]\[album] - [track] - [artist] - [title][]
    [IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[GRAB]0,1,[album artist][]\[album artist]\[album][IFMULTI] - Disc [disc].[disc_total[]\[album] - [track] - [artist] - [title][]

    ...most of which has come from systematic searching rather than browsing.

    If I've posted in the wrong area, can someone direct me to the right directory for this kind of question?

    / Thanks
    / Mark


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: How to edit (store) previously ripped CDs ??

      In Codec Central is a utility codec called [Arrange Audio], this one can move audio files around and rename based on their ID Tags.


      • MarkDee

        • Oct 2008
        • 13

        Re: How to edit (store) previously ripped CDs ??

        This is why "you are the man..."


        • MarkDee

          • Oct 2008
          • 13

          Re: How to edit (store) previously ripped CDs ??

          OK - now I've come to the conclusion that this program is so fast (and the convenience of the meta-data preview from multiple sources is so utterly "neat") that I'm just simply going to re-rip EVERYTHING one last time over the next 4-6 weeks.

          I've been playing with the FLAC encoder -- am using MediaCenter13 for general library maintence (ratings, data consistency checks, etc) after paying for and coming to hate MMonkey (can't remember who talked me into that...) so --

          Anyone care to weigh in (and yes, I've spent a few hours reading previous posts in the forum) on their CURRENT views and settings ?

          I'd love to have feedback on the lossless encoders in terms of specifically maximizing dbPowerAmp's capability in terms of assigning tag values.

          I'm using the latest (paid for) versions of dbPAmp,
          the latest version (13) of JRiver's MediaCenter,
          and I distribute music through multiple systems with SlimDevice Squeezeboxes.

          I'm asking for a little newbie help here since I ripped 50 discs over the weekend before discovering the "encoder" options via DBConfig.exe and am still struggling to understand the issues regarding storage of dates and years.

          Anyone care to help?
          / Thanks a bunch
          / I'll be back in 5 or 6 hours
          / Mark
          Last edited by MarkDee; December 08, 2008, 03:16 PM.


          • MarkDee

            • Oct 2008
            • 13

            Re: How to edit (store) previously ripped CDs ??

            Incidentally (and I hope this isn't starting to look like a conversation with myself!) I've found the ability to store multiple profiles flexible enough to postpone any concern about learning the "programmable naming conventions..."

            I've got SingleArtist/Single Disc, Soundtrack, MultiArtist/Christmas, and a variety of other profiles which are keeping the library path and name structures just as I want them. This is another killer feature in my book.

            Since I haven't specifically said it before : This program rocks !

            / Mark

