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help with my ATAPI iHAS220

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  • anon696

    • Oct 2008
    • 7

    help with my ATAPI iHAS220

    hi yall. well, im here because i need some help. i have been trying to get the offsets for my drive but have had no luck. i have tried to look for the offsets online but i cant seem to find one other person with this drive to help me and its not in the AccurateRip database.
    My drive is a Lite-On "ATAPI iHAS220 6". i have tried going the key disc route but i dont have any of the discs shown. i have gotten some offsets from other discs that i have inserted but none of the matched more than twice. any help would be greatly appreciated. thnx.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: help with my ATAPI iHAS220

    All you can do is keep trying more discs, go to the library and pick up some popular CDs (Britney Spears, Madonna, etc).


    • anon696

      • Oct 2008
      • 7

      Re: help with my ATAPI iHAS220

      well, i tried my nirvana and my metallica and nothing! is there no one else that owns this drive??? it would help if rap music cds were included in the data base. i feel more and more frustrated because i cant get this thing to work.


      • anon696

        • Oct 2008
        • 7

        Re: help with my ATAPI iHAS220

        ok, i tried dbpoweramp and it gives me the same offset that i have been using but i want to know if its correct. is there a way that i can test it??? heres the pic.

        i tried to use a cd that was said would work to configure eac. it said that Nirvana - Nevermind (DGCD24425 06) would help but it did nothing. i decided to use dbpoweramp and i get the same offset i have been using. now i need to verify if it right because im way behind on my ripping. any help is appreciated. thnx!



        • Tigerman
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Mar 2005
          • 157

          Re: help with my ATAPI iHAS220

          How about ripping a few and check if they were accurately ripped.


          • anon696

            • Oct 2008
            • 7

            Re: help with my ATAPI iHAS220

            lol, thnx Tigerman. i was kinda tired last night because i spent my day off work trying to find cds that would help me configure my drive. i ripped my nirvana - nevermind and this is the result log file.

            dBpoweramp Release 13 Digital Audio Extraction Log from Saturday, October 18, 2008 9:12 AM

            Drive & Settings

            Ripping with drive 'E: [ATAPI - iHAS220 6 ]', Drive offset: 6, Overread Lead-in/out: No
            AccurateRip: Active, Using C2: No, Cache: None, FUA Cache Invalidate: No
            Pass 1 Drive Speed: Max, Pass 2 Drive Speed: Max
            Bad Sector Re-rip:: Drive Speed: Max, Maximum Re-reads: 34

            Encoder: FLAC -compression-level-5 -verify

            Extraction Log

            Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 22607 (5:01) in 0:18. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 01 - Smells Like Teen Spirit.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 52) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: 332514A4 AccurateRip CRC: 025550BF [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-1]

            Track 2: Ripped LBA 22607 to 41725 (4:14) in 0:10. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 02 - In Bloom.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 53) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: D9E7906E AccurateRip CRC: D5157EE2 [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-2]

            Track 3: Ripped LBA 41725 to 58147 (3:38) in 0:08. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 03 - Come as You Are.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 52) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: C14127F7 AccurateRip CRC: 7804EE1D [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-3]

            Track 4: Ripped LBA 58147 to 71942 (3:03) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 04 - Breed.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 53) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: 0CCC5216 AccurateRip CRC: A0D17C2C [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-4]

            Track 5: Ripped LBA 71942 to 91215 (4:16) in 0:08. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 05 - Lithium.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 53) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: 77C6E11F AccurateRip CRC: A4732BFA [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-5]

            Track 6: Ripped LBA 91215 to 104492 (2:57) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 06 - Polly.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 53) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: 7580792A AccurateRip CRC: 210E1C66 [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-6]

            Track 7: Ripped LBA 104492 to 115210 (2:22) in 0:04. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 07 - Territorial Pissings.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 53) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: FA738910 AccurateRip CRC: AAE37F13 [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-7]

            Track 8: Ripped LBA 115210 to 132002 (3:43) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 08 - Drain You.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 53) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: 1F9A3F63 AccurateRip CRC: 45C5684F [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-8]

            Track 9: Ripped LBA 132002 to 143772 (2:36) in 0:04. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 09 - Lounge Act.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 53) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: 26542798 AccurateRip CRC: 82842A12 [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-9]

            Track 10: Ripped LBA 143772 to 159710 (3:32) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 10 - Stay Away.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 51) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: 5747E0B1 AccurateRip CRC: 497E32F3 [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-10]

            Track 11: Ripped LBA 159710 to 174437 (3:16) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 11 - On a Plain.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 53) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: 639BB870 AccurateRip CRC: 3CC773F2 [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-11]

            Track 12: Ripped LBA 174437 to 267055 (20:34) in 0:30. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\anonymoose\Desktop\nevermind\Nirvana\Neve rmind\Nirvana - Nevermind - 12 - Something in the Way.flac
            AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 49) [Pass 1]
            CRC32: 3B2994DF AccurateRip CRC: 5A475434 [DiscID: 012-001517aa-00c50011-a60de80c-12]


            12 Tracks Ripped Accurately

            so it looks like its ok right? i need to make sure that its configured perfectly because i have alot of cds that i want to backup and because im a memeber of a few music trackers that require flawless rips and when my look files get scanned they always say that they cant be verified because my drive offset is not lisetd in the data base.
            this bugs me to no end because i have already rip'd alot of my collection and many borrowed albums that would be a pain to not only rerip but to also borrow. i hope that everything is ok now. Tigerman, what do you think? does it look good? thnx for the help.


            ps: if i burn a proper rip, then copy it again shouldn't i get the same crc checks as the source files? i think that i need to have my write offset configured because my burns dont match up.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44845

              Re: help with my ATAPI iHAS220

              It looks fine to me (AR requires 3 different key discs to accurately findthe offset of new drives).

              PS burning a CD would have to be burnt with the correct write offset.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44845

                Re: help with my ATAPI iHAS220

                Also the current AccurateRip cannot find an offset for popular discs if there are multiple pressings of the CD, which is quite common. AR2 would solve this. **

                ** it is not a problem if your drive is in the database as any mathcin with the database from any disc will configure.


                • anon696

                  • Oct 2008
                  • 7

                  Re: help with my ATAPI iHAS220

                  OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! sorry! thnx spoon! you just made my day! the good thing is that i dont have to rerip all that stuff. wow thats a relief. now i can get back to my rip'n which im so behind on btw. ill try n configure the write offset for eac. i think that it has its own way of checking for it.
                  hmm, well since your around spoon. is teh program "Burrrn" good for burning? does it have away of knowing the correct offset of my drive? thnx for all the help spoon & Tigerman.



                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44845

                    Re: help with my ATAPI iHAS220

                    Never used it.


                    • anon696

                      • Oct 2008
                      • 7

                      Re: help with my ATAPI iHAS220

                      well, i sure fail! lol! i have been trying to find out my write offset but like i said, i fail. i followed this tutorial i couldnt get the damn thing to work. it gave me a offset of 0. anyone know of another way of finding out my write offset?


