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Album Art Problems

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  • Dark1

    • Oct 2008
    • 3

    Album Art Problems

    I'm having problems with the CD Ripper. I can't seem to download any album art at all. I've ripped lots of Cd's but none of the album art has ever showed up. I'm new at this so maybe it's just a setting or something??

    I think I have valid access to the Music databases (DBpoweramp Config says AMG GD3 MusicBrainz: 330 access days remaining: internet meta data)
    I can see all the other meta data/track names/ratings etc. for the Cd
    I have changed the default to Folder.jpg (from folder.jpg)
    I've checked the music folders and there is no Folder.jpg file with the music files and when i play the music itunes does not show any album art either.

    I know you are supposed to see the album art in the lower right part of the main CD Ripper screen but I've never seen it there...I don't have the + and - signs either (or maybe the album art box and +/- only show up if you have album art to display?? ie: is there a problem with my Cd Ripper interface or is the problem with the art not being downloaded??) All I have is the box showing either the metadata or the DSP effects or the encoder setting depending on which tab is selected. It's like the album art box isn't even there...

    Install history:
    I did have the trial sample of version R12.something (can't remember which one it was) but never bought the software...(tied it out a bit and the album art downloaded fine back then). Now I've recently purchased and installed the reference version of R13 and can't get any album art to download.....and just now I've installed R13.1 overtop hoping it would fix it but no change....

    I'm running Win XP home with a dial up internet connection
    ZoneAlarm Free Firewall 7.0.483.00
    AVG Anti-virus Free 8.0.173

    I'm really stuck..any help would be greatly appreciated... Thanks
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Album Art Problems

    You should have the + - boxes like shown in the help files, I would uninstall all dBpoweramp programs, reboot Windows and install again from the given registration links.


    • Wayne
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Aug 2002
      • 1254

      Re: Album Art Problems

      Maybe you should try uninstalling and then reinstalling just dMC r13.1 as the '+' sign should appear even if there isn't a CD in the drive.


      • Dark1

        • Oct 2008
        • 3

        Re: Album Art Problems


        Thanks for your suggestions and speedy responses. I uninstalled and re-installed (R13.1) (I'm on dial-up service so it takes about 2 hrs to download the file) but still have the same problem...

        Just so I understand correctly:
        Even if there is no album art there should still be an "album art box" at the extreme lower right of the Cd Ripper main screen. And there should be + sign located within the top of that "album art box".?? If not, please describe what I should be seeing... and where the + sign is...I do have the help file but the picture with the + sign is a close-in screenshot so it's a bit difficult to tell..

        I also notice that my interface does not quite look like the one in the help file. When I click on the encoder tab there is just a grey box with a "encoder settings" box which I then have to click to get the settings to show up (in a floating box)..I don't know if that is relevant or not...

        What should I try now??



        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44845

          Re: Album Art Problems

          Ok, they are not showing because the screen resolution is low, it needs to be 1024 x xxx to show the album art in the corner.

          Anyhow it should still be retrieving album art, when the meta data is retrieved from the internet select the down arrow next to meta data button and choose Review Perfect Meta Matches, you should see AMG and GD3 sections filled in, are they?


          • Dark1

            • Oct 2008
            • 3

            Re: Album Art Problems


            Thanks for the suggestion about increasing my screen size, I didn't realize that there was a minimum screen size requirement. It worked - I can see the "album art box and + - signs " now!

            I also checked the meta data like you said. Before, I was having trouble getting any album art to show up, and also almost never got more than one source provider.... I now find that if I don't get any album art I just keep hitting the meta data button and eventually I now get 2 - 4 providers...(I am on dial up internet access so this may have something to do with it...slow connection or time out issues...) anyway I am now getting the album art! I also uninstalled and reinstalled one more time so that also may have helped..

            I also followed your instructions and selected the down arrow next to meta data button and selected the "Review Perfect Meta Matches"...and depending on how many providers I now get ....the sections are filled in.

            Thanks for your quick responses and help in getting things fixed, I really appreciate it!


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44845

              Re: Album Art Problems

              Yes dial-up could be making it time out.

