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Is there a "post-rip" AccurateRip program to check lossless files?

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  • spl23

    • Oct 2008
    • 16

    Is there a "post-rip" AccurateRip program to check lossless files?

    I've got around 1000 CDs ripped to Apple Lossless on my NAS, which I did several years ago (i.e. before I found out about AccurateRip).

    I'd like to make sure that my collection is ripped correctly, but at present it seems that the only way to do this is to rip it all again using an AccurateRip-compatible ripper, and I really can't face that!

    But it seems to me that it should be possible to check the lossless files against the AccurateRip database - each folder contains 1 CDs worth of lossless files, so I would have thought that, in theory, these could be converted to WAV, the resulting WAV files used to calculate the CD ID code, this used to look up the desired checksums on the AccurateRip database, and checksums then calculated for the WAV files. An application could be written to do this which could then be left to run across a directory tree, which could then spit out a log of files which matched the AR data, files with errors and files for which AR data couldn't be found.

    Is this possible? Has anyone written anything that does this? Are there any plans afoot to produce something to do this? I can't be the only person who would like to check their lossless files after the fact...

    If I had time, I'd try and knock up a Python script to do it myself, but I can see that being nearly as unpopular on the domestic front as if I went and locked myself in the study for three months ripping discs again...
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Is there a "post-rip" AccurateRip program to check lossless files?

    There are various programs for CueSheets, but non as I know for single files.


    • BansheeX

      • Nov 2008
      • 1

      Re: Is there a "post-rip" AccurateRip program to check lossless files?

      Omg, I need the exact same thing. I just ripped like 50 CDs with an old version of EAC. It took me three nights. Then I found out about this. Where is the option in EAC to crosscheck existing rips with the Accuraterip database? It can only do it in the process? How impractical is that... now I have to rip everything all over again.


      • Porcus
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2007
        • 792

        Re: Is there a "post-rip" AccurateRip program to check lossless files?

        Yes there is an application which work for single (FLAC or APE) files -- I guess it would sooner or later be possible to get it working for Apple Lossless too?

        Have a look at . If you use single files, you must first use its .cue generator, but it will work without merging the single files to an image.

        It can also add Vorbis comments to FLAC files indicating best AccurateRip match.


        • spl23

          • Oct 2008
          • 16

          Re: Is there a "post-rip" AccurateRip program to check lossless files?

          Thanks for that. I've actually spent a couple of weeks working on this, and have used the file, an open source ALAC decoder and the cURL library to produce a little C command-line application that will check a directory of ALAC files. Seems to work pretty well - only took me a day or so to get something up and running, and the rest of the time has been testing, debugging and tuning to cope with little idiosyncrasies in my system.

          I'm now about 1/4 of the way through testing and reripping my 1000-odd CDs - should be done by Christmas at this rate...


          • blacksheep

            • Nov 2008
            • 1

            Re: Is there a "post-rip" AccurateRip program to check lossless files?

            Hi spl23 -- Any chance you can post your C source code somewhere?

            I found a program called TripleFlac.exe which lets you check individual FLAC files against AccurateRip and it works very well, but I'd like to be able to do this on the Mac and with ALAC files, and also just be able to write a script to check all my tracks in batch mode.
            Last edited by blacksheep; November 08, 2008, 08:47 PM.


            • Jeff Flowerday
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Mar 2008
              • 105

              Re: Is there a "post-rip" AccurateRip program to check lossless files?


              Cuetools will now process batches of flac files and verify them again accurate rip. You no longer have to create the cue file.

