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Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

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  • maab

    • Sep 2008
    • 9

    Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

    Hello everyone,

    This is my first post here and I am a new registered user of dbpoweramp.
    Before I learned about this application I was using two different programs, EAC and Mediamonkey to rip and tag art and keywords and I found that process quite tedious. Soon as I learned about dbpoweramp I jumped on the idea of having one program doing it all from start, it's just great and intuitive.

    But now I encountered a couple of hiccups and before it is too late I would like a bit of help. I already ripped 30 cds from my classical music collection via db to Flac and I realized that my front end is not displaying the album art and the composer's keyword.

    Perhaps I missed something in the configuration process? the jpeg seats in the same folder with the flac files.

    I would greatly appreaciate your help.
    Thank you
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

    There is a folder.jpg and also it is embedded into the flac file. What is your front end?

    Right click on a flac file >> Edit ID tag that will show the tags contained within.


    • maab

      • Sep 2008
      • 9

      Re: Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

      Originally posted by Spoon
      There is a folder.jpg and also it is embedded into the flac file. What is your front end?

      Right click on a flac file >> Edit ID tag that will show the tags contained within.
      My front end is pre-pro network enabled Denon A1hdci along with twonky server (on the pc for the moment). I can see the jpeg in the folder but it is not seen. Also, when I used to use EAC i was able to add the artwork via mediamonkey and it worked. Interestingly I did "replace" the current db's genetated jpeg with the one generated by mediamonkey and still it's not working.

      Sorry I may sound a little dumb, but when I right click on a flac file in explorer I don't see any edit option.

      Beside the flac files and the jpeg I don't see any text, cue or m3u files as EAC generated folders, but I don't know whether it is supposed to.

      Thanks for your reply.
      Last edited by maab; September 02, 2008, 03:27 PM.


      • maab

        • Sep 2008
        • 9

        Re: Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

        From which window do I access "Edit Tag" by right clicking? I am going insane...I looked everywhere


        • maab

          • Sep 2008
          • 9

          Re: Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

          Ok, I unistalled and reistalled the application and now I can see the option "edit tag". The album art is in there... what to do now?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

            If I understand there is a 'bug' with Twonky in that it will not read:


            but only


            which is rather strange as Windows is case insensitve on filenames...


            • maab

              • Sep 2008
              • 9

              Re: Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

              Fantastic, it WORKS! Thank you very much. I tried to rename the files already ripped and it didn't work. Do I have to re-rip them or is there another way?
              Also, is it a Twonky's fault for not reading the composer's tag? Is there a workaround with DB? Thanks again Spoon
              Last edited by maab; September 02, 2008, 09:14 PM.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

                I dont think Twonky supports composer. You would have to clear the database and rescan all your files after changing to Folder.jpg


                • maab

                  • Sep 2008
                  • 9

                  Re: Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

                  I spoke too fast. As I said I am a new user and I am afraid that db is not cofigured properly in regard to the album art. I realized that for unknown reasons my front end displays a few of the cd's art and in some cases it will display the art cover only during a handful of songs and not through the entire cd. Any idea?
                  I realize that I am the only poster (beside a single spoon's) in this thread but I am still hoping to get an input from an experienced user.
                  Thank you


                  • maab

                    • Sep 2008
                    • 9

                    Re: Album art and Composer keyword ...not recognized

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    I dont think Twonky supports composer. You would have to clear the database and rescan all your files after changing to Folder.jpg
                    Thank you very much Spoon for your help, DB is fantastic indeed even for a computer illiterate like me.
                    Please disregard my previous post, I didn't realize until now about your reply. Thanks again
                    Last edited by maab; September 03, 2008, 03:26 PM.

