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Auidio Quality Tag and AMG Data

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  • jfkaess
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2005
    • 112

    Auidio Quality Tag and AMG Data

    I have two unrelated questions. I am using Reference 13 with beta 13.1 installed over it.

    1. When ripping from a CD to Lame 3.98 using -V 0 extreme setting, on the same CD the Audio Quality line in the tag will sometimes read Very High, sometimes High and sometimes Medium. Since nothing changes between songs in ripping the CD, what exactly determines the Audio Quality result in the tag and why are they not all the same?

    2. In checking the data retrieved from the 4 sources for a CD, I am noticing that the program defaults to always using the data from AMG, even when the other three sources are unamimous with an identically different piece of data. This is most obvious when the data in AMG is a typo. Is there not some way to default to the majority, or even better to highlight any song on a CD for which the data among the sources is not identical so I will know to look at the data and choose which one to use?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Auidio Quality Tag and AMG Data

    1. Bitrate determines quality display

    2. If GD3 + freedb match that setting is not used, because GD3 contains freedb data sometimes. If GD3 + MB matched it should have over-rode AMG.

