I have an old registration and recently upgraded to R13 and tried the perfect match feature. I like this a lot and decided to purchase another year when my trial ran out. I have an old Uxxxxx reg number and it would not register. So I thought maybe I need to upgrade, and well would like the batch ripping, so why not. But even my new Rxxxxx reg number still returns an error when I try to register it.
I get this error
This order number is invalid, or not entitled to AMG access.
(I sent this as an email with my registration codes, but then realized this was most likely a support question and that I shouldn't have done that. So here it is now.)
I get this error
This order number is invalid, or not entitled to AMG access.
(I sent this as an email with my registration codes, but then realized this was most likely a support question and that I shouldn't have done that. So here it is now.)