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CD,s- The Real thing?

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  • jimaa66

    • Apr 2008
    • 4

    CD,s- The Real thing?

    Hello all
    Haven't been on for a few months, and didn't do an exhaustive search on this, but will ask anyways...
    I just bought a CD on the internet. Rather rare. I just opened it, and I believe it to be burned copy. Professionaly done, but a burn.
    Can you tell me- is there a way, or is there software, that can tell me electronically that it is an mp3? How do I go about checking a CD to see if it is a factory burn, or home made?
    Hope this isn't a dumb question. I'd simply like to know how to dicifer formats.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: CD,s- The Real thing?

    If it was a fake and made from another CD you cannot tell from the audio files as they would be pretty much identical. If it is made from mp3s then you might find the high frequencies of the audio has been cut (load into an audio editor which can do spectrum analysis).


    • bhoar
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Sep 2006
      • 1173

      Re: CD,s- The Real thing?

      This may help, but it is not completely foolproof:

      Harta138 adalah situs Harta 138 yang menjadi pelopor games online terbaik and trusted di Indonesia 2023 saat ini. Link Harta138 memiliki berbagai macam permain taruhan yang menyenangkan



      • jimaa66

        • Apr 2008
        • 4

        Re: CD,s- The Real thing?

        Thanks guys!


        • jimaa66

          • Apr 2008
          • 4

          Re: CD,s- The Real thing?

          don't mean to be stupid, but...
          how do i install the plug in on dB to use it? Or should I install another version?
          Thanks for any help.
          *Ignore this- I've got it. Duh...
          Last edited by jimaa66; August 31, 2008, 06:33 PM.


          • egd

            • Jul 2008
            • 46

            Re: CD,s- The Real thing?

            most burner software can tell the difference between a cd-r and a redbook cd, even if it is a copy.


            • NPendrigh

              • Aug 2008
              • 27

              Re: CD,s- The Real thing?

              You may not have purchased one of albums below and in case you have I find that when I listen to MP3's on a reasonably decent stereo system that are playing cymbals, bells, xylophone, etc. that the sound is discordant and harsh and after about 10 minutes painful

              Tracks that are obvious would be Tubular Bells, Medusa Track 3 by Annie Lennox and Hotel California by the Eagles - the rattlesnack should sound like a snake!

              Best Wishes

